Water Birth: A Natural and Relaxing Option for Mothers

by time news

2023-07-25 07:02:26
**Rajavithi Hospital Advocates for Water Birth as a Relaxing and Pain-Reducing Method**

In a recent announcement, the Department of Medical Services at Rajavithi Hospital has revealed that water birth is gaining popularity in foreign countries. This natural method of childbirth is known for its ability to help mothers relax and potentially reduce pain during labor. The hospital, however, emphasizes the importance of proper supervision by a specialist obstetrician and adequate preparation in terms of the location, mother’s health, and baby’s well-being.

Dr. Nattapong Wongwiwat, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Medical Services, stated that water birth is gaining attention due to its alignment with various important principles of natural childbirth. These include having a birth companion for support, maintaining privacy, using an upright delivery position, and utilizing warm water baths for non-medicated pain relief. The warm water helps the mother’s hormones work effectively, leading to a sense of relaxation. However, it is crucial to be aware of potential side effects and ensure that only suitable candidates undergo water birth under specialist supervision.

Dr. Jinda Rojamethin, Director of Rajavithi Hospital, emphasized that water birth requires the mother to be in good health and have no pregnancy complications. Additionally, the baby should not be at risk. The hospital director reassured that once the baby’s head is out of the birth canal, it will float in the water, providing support and preventing any potential danger. Warm water baths during labor act as a pain reliever by reducing adrenaline hormone levels, promoting relaxation, and increasing endorphins. The weightlessness in water also reduces abdominal pressure and stress, further enhancing pain reduction.

Associative Professor Dr. Ekachai Kovavisarach, an obstetrician specialist, added that the bathwater’s temperature during water birth is typically around 37˚C, similar to the mother’s body temperature. Babies born in water do not breathe immediately but start breathing once they come into contact with the cooler outside air. It is recommended to position the baby face down after birth to allow any amniotic fluid in its lungs to flow out. However, regardless of the baby’s position, the time between contact with air and the start of breathing is very short, and there is no risk of aspiration. The baby is gently lifted out of the water within 10 seconds after birth. Nevertheless, not all mothers are suitable for water birth, and contraindications include the mother’s preference, risky conditions for the baby such as stress or gray amniotic fluid, high-risk maternal conditions like pre-eclampsia or bleeding, breech position, premature birth, and absence of an obstetrician trained in water birth.

The hospital advocates for water birth as an alternative option to natural childbirth, but emphasizes the importance of meticulous preparation. This includes ensuring clean and safe water basins, disinfection methods such as ultraviolet radiation and filtration, and maintaining the right water temperature to prevent infection. It is crucial to prepare both the mother and baby and have a proficient team of obstetricians and staff ready to address any emergency situations that may arise during water birth.

As water birth gains recognition, Rajavithi Hospital urges expecting mothers to seek proper medical advice and guidance to ensure a safe and fulfilling birthing experience.

[Read related news: ‘Obstetrics’ and ‘childbirth’ in Ayutthaya period]

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