water is now “scarce”

by time news

Are considered in “water stress” regions in which water availability is less than 1,700 m³ per inhabitant per year, specifies the Moroccan daily The morning. With only 600 m³ of water per inhabitant per year, “Morocco is not only in water stress, but it is confronted with water scarcity”. He is not the only one: his neighbors are suffering just as much.

In order to ration the use of drinking water, Morocco has announced the reduction of the flow on the distribution networks of some large cities, in particular Khouribga and Settat (in the region of Casablanca). The restrictions will take place daily from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. the following day.

In Tunisia, the context combining historical drought, dry dams and water shortages has undermined agriculture. In Jendouba, a city in the northwest, a number of tobacco growers have expressed their dissatisfaction with the successive water cuts. They recorded consequent losses

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