Water prices 2023: what increase and why?

by time news

WATER PRICE. Significant increases have been voted by the water and community unions. In some municipalities, the increase in the cost of water could reach 20%.

[Mis à jour le 3 janvier 2023 à 09h52] Bad news for your wallet, the price of water will increase significantly in France in 2023. Some municipalities could deplore increases of up to up to 20%, in particular due to a persistent inflationary context. The surge in the cost of energy is also contributing to this surge in the course of the water, as well as the drought suffered by the country last summer. For example, the city of Roubaix (North) should experience an increase of 9,5% in 2023, same observation on the side of Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme) with a planned increase of 10%. In the columns of Le Parisien, the president of the Anjou water union Thierry Gallard announces the color in terms of investment to modernize the networks: “We have planned an investment plan of 107 million euros”. In Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes), again according to Le Parisien, the increase in the price of water will reach 13% This year. Or an increase of up to 4.80 euros per m3et 65 euros additional for a household of 4 people.

In France, the cubic meter of water is offered, on average, at 4,14 euros according to the National Observatory of Water and Sanitation Services (Sispea). This rate varies between 3 euros and 6 euros per m3 depending on your municipality of residence. For a couple with two children, the average water consumption amounts to 120m3 par an. In other words, an invoice of 497 euros.

The price of water is fixed by deliberation of the municipal council, in each French commune. In 2022, price increases of 15% or even 20% have been voted, enough to cast serious doubts on your water bill this year. In Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme), for example, the price of water should rise by 10%. The water unions and communities also voted an impressive increase of 11% in Thouars (Deux-Sèvres).

This worrying increase can firstly be explained by the economic context. Inflation remains at a high level, 5.9% in December 2022 over a year. Also, water purification requires a fairly large amount of electricity. Electricity which also sees its price soar, despite the extension of the tariff shield. Pumps, used machines, chlorine and coal have seen their cost explode by 10% to 30% this year. Previous drought episodes have also contributed to this increase in the cost of water, due to the lack of volume.

Several associations have already stepped up to stem this phenomenon of rising water prices. Their goal, to ask for help from the government to stop the bleeding and reduce the bill for the municipalities. Problem, the networks that manage water in France are not subject to the 2023 tariff shield, put in place by the State to contain the rise in the cost of energy.

The city of Paris has its own municipal drinking water supply. For all types of daily use, Paris water costs less than 0.004 euros per litre. As of January 1, 2023, the total price per cubic meter of water amounts to 3.84 euros per m3 including tax excluding subscription. Despite the evolution of prices, water in Paris remains the cheapest in the metropolis.

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