Wauquiez, Larcher, Pécresse… They all said no to a union with Macron!

by time news

2024-07-10 18:18:00

Clike a little panic? The biggest rumors abounded for part of the day, on Wednesday, July 10, about the true intentions of the Republicans, who were suspected of wanting to be, despite repeated public denials, coalition with the presidential camp. Gérard Larcher’s name is even circulating to lead the interim government…

“The Macronists are creating false information! » full executive LR. “It is a mistake. He will not go to Matignon. He will not leave Parliament to lead a government that will last three months and will pass the movement of sanctions”, served the entourage of the second person of the State, who explained that Gérard Larcher would likewise suggest the “immediate” deposit of a Prime Minister’s Reluctance Movement from the New Popular Front…

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#Wauquiez #Larcher #Pécresse.. #union #Macron

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