Waze, Spotify… this start-up offers a new way to recruit

by time news

EWhat if you found a job… by listening to a podcast on Spotify? This is the innovative idea that the startup Hippolyte-rh has been offering since 2020. With twenty employees – a figure it hopes to double by the end of 2022 – the small company offers employers in need of work to show their ads on third-party apps, like Waze or Spotify. “Very often used for advertising, the Waze and Spotify media are today under-exploited in terms of notoriety, employer branding and recruitment”, explains the Parisian Gauthier Bailleul, founder of Hippolyte-rh.

The idea is simple: let users of these platforms know that a company is hiring, based on their tastes. Thus, Hippolyte-rh proposed to a large hotel group to canvass listeners of podcasts devoted to cooking recipes or gastronomy. “A prospect’s attention span is twelve seconds,” explains Gauthier Bailleul. “Twelve-second videos are therefore broadcast to present a job ad, generate interest and seduce the listener, encourage him to call and apply. »

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Already more than 400 customers

A method that has already attracted more than 400 companies in need of manpower. The Parisian evokes the case of the company Bert & You, specialized in logistics. “We are quite satisfied and surprised with the results. We received more than a hundred CVs in two weeks. And this service has enabled us above all to reach active candidates, but also passive candidates that we cannot reach via traditional employment platforms,” explains the company’s management.

In this case, of course, no specialized heavyweight podcast. For this client, Hippolyte-rh went through the Waze application, showing its clients’ ads to users. “Depending on the geolocation of his device, a job opportunity is submitted to the driver in the form of a banner, on part of the screen”, explains Gauthier Bailleul. For safety reasons – it would be unfortunate to miss a turn while trying to find a job – the ads are only displayed when the application’s GPS indicates that the driver is stationary.

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