We and «the mountain»: strange lives around Vesuvius in a documentary

by time news

noon10 March 2022 – 22:14

Giovanni Troilo’s documentary was presented at the Metropolitan in room 14, 15 and 16 March

Of Ignazio Senatore

«The idea of ​​this doc was born after reading the article by an American volcanologist who prophesied in the event of the eruption of Vesuvius, a catastrophe of biblical dimensions. I had thought about shooting a mokumentary but, after having witnessed the surreal evacuation tests organized by the Civil Protection, I realized that the reality exceeded the imagination. The truth is that politicians do not have the courage to confess that, in the event of an eruption, they are unable to take care of the population ». The speaker is Giovanni Troilo, director of the documentary «Vesuvio; or how they learned to live in the midst of volcanoes ”presented on Thursday in Naples.

More than directing a “militant” doc, an indictment against the inaction of politicians national and local, Troilo shows scenes of quiet everyday life; of mature ladies who attend a dance school, of neo-melodic singers who perform on a television station, a self-styled psycho-magician who attributes to Vesuvius an energetic force that expands around the volcano, a tailor who runs an elegant fashion atelier male, pregnant women, hospitalized in the gynecology department of the Ospedale del Mare.

Their lives seem to flow happily but everyone seems to have “forgotten” that, in the event of an eruption, the vulnerable area in which they live is the one with the highest population density on the planet. In the doc the volcanologist Giuseppe Mastrolorenzo, after reiterating that no scientist can predict when and with what intensity an eruption may occur, declares that he has been fighting for years so that not only the eastern area of ​​Naples but the entire city is located in the fateful “red zone”. A doc, that of Troilo that moves on different levels than that of Gianfranco Pannone of 2015 «On the volcano» and that raises the attention on what seems to be the result of a paradoxical collective repression.

In short, we do not live in the years of the song “O’Vesuvio O gigante ra muntagna”, written by Giglio and Domenico Modugno, performed by Sergio Bruni at the Naples Festival in 1961, which described the most famous volcano in the world as a dying giant that, once upon a time, just looking at it, «a ggente trammava e ‘fear». Mastrolorenzo reiterates that attention must be paid to the utmost. Among the characters that parade in the doc, produced by Davide Azzolini’s Dazzle Communication, (in the hall as a special event on 14,15 and 16 March) could not miss a picturesque astrologer-fortune teller who, thanks to the oscillations of a pendulum, prophesied that the next eruption will take place in fifteen years. Rather than touching iron, we just have to urge politicians to commit to guaranteeing the population a truly effective evacuation plan in the event of an eruption.

10 March 2022 | 22:14

© Time.News

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