“We are afraid to meet him again”: a man sentenced to 14 years in prison for rape released 8 months later

by time news

“It is an injustice. Now I’m the one in jail. Élodie, one of the victims of a man convicted of rape, harassment and sexual assault, expressed her anguish to France 3. I’m afraid to go there, I stay locked up at home. »

His former employer, a pizzeria manager, was sentenced in May 2022 to 14 years’ imprisonment by the Eure Assize Court for acts committed between 2015 and 2018. After eight months of detention, he was released on January 10 and placed under judicial supervision pending his appeal trial on June 12. The man is now under house arrest in Calvados with a ban on going to the Eure department, indicates France Bleu Normandie.

“It was a blow,” reacted to local radio Virginia, one of the four complainants. Like her, around fifty people expressed their incomprehension on Saturday in Beuzeville (Eure), faced with the decision of the justice of the Caen investigative chamber. “We want justice to hear us. (…) We are mentally and physically tired. I was starting to get a taste for going out again, going to see friends, but since January 10, it’s over, ”explained Virginie.

“My life as a woman has been destroyed”

“For us it is a double penalty. (…) We don’t live anymore, it’s survival with the fear of meeting him again, the anguish. (…) I am 24 years old and my life as a woman has been destroyed”, also testified to France 3 Amélie, another victim.

The lawyer for a civil party, Me Sylvain Naviaux, denounced a “release with harmful consequences for the victims”. “There are many people who benefit from the presumption of innocence and who remain detained until they appear before the court,” he said on BFMTV Normandy.

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