“We are at the last mile, let’s not give up” – Corriere.it

by time news

Is Italy definitely moving towards a phase of reopening?

Franco Locatelli, oncohematologist of the CTS, president of the Superior Health Council goes straight to the point: Definitely. The goal is to resume a series of economic, social and recreational activities that have always characterized the life of all of us.

However, to best reconcile this objective with the protection of fundamental health, base the choices on the principles of graduality and progressiveness, using the evolution of the numbers of the epidemiological curve as the guiding star for choices such as curfew. It must be clear that no one is happy to suggest strategies for restricting social life, movements or activities.

In the green passport the vaccination put on the same level as the swab as a pass. Not a contradiction?

No, not at all. Today, not everyone who wants or would have liked to be vaccinated has had the opportunity to do so. On the contrary, accessibility to tampons is much more affordable. In this way, while admitting the limit of the swab represented by the absence of infection at the moment in which it is carried out and not excluding false negatives, it is guaranteed that all people can have equal access to certain events or shows, as well as being facilitated in the displacements.

right to call it a passport?

Instead of calling it a vaccine passport, we adopt more appropriate terms such as, for example, the one suggested by the National Bioethics Committee: health certification for non-medical use relating to SARS-CoV-2 or, more easily, green certificate. Words also have weight and value.

The Italian green pass and the European green pass: how they work

Is the pace of vaccinations compensating for the slow decline in the curve?

The vaccination campaign is proceeding at a decidedly rapid pace. The sections of the population most at risk are gradually being made safe. Suffice it to say that today almost 90% of people over 80 years of age have received at least one dose, 71% both doses and, in the age group between 70 and 79 years, 2/3 of people have received a dose of vaccine.

Worried about escaping AstraZeneca?

Can you describe the up-to-date situation of the epidemic?

The numbers of the last few weeks clearly indicate a reduction in viral circulation as well as the impact on local health services. Let us remember that only a few weeks ago we had a number of beds occupied in intensive care over 3700. Today we are well below the threshold of 2500. Even the ratio between positive swabs and those carried out shows a clear trend towards reduction, just think that Tuesday value was 2.9%

the result of the closures?

These results were obtained both thanks to the sacrifices made by everyone respecting the indications provided for the different risk bands that have characterized the different territorial areas of the country, and due to the increasing number of immunized subjects. But, if this context is undoubtedly to lead us to optimism, at the same time it must not make us fall into the illusory perception of being out of the problem. It would be an unforgivable mistake to get lost in what we could define as “the last mile”. We honor the memory of over 120 thousand victims with responsible behavior.

There are those who believe that herd immunity is an unlikely goal.

I imagine he refers in particular to the position of Anthony Fauci who defined this concept as “elusive”, underlining that it is reasonable to assume that, even in the future, the pace of vaccinations will have to continue to be sustained due to the possible need for boosters. Let us abandon it, but let us take care to vaccinate as many people as quickly as possible.

Collective immunity isn’t the only target, is it?

We will certainly see a decrease not only in the number of deaths or those in need of hospitalization in resuscitation, but also in the number of infected people. passed, in my opinion too little remarked, the news that in the country that vaccinated more in relation to the population, that is Israel, on Monday the percentage of positive swabs compared to those carried out was equal to 0.14%. It sensationally documents us how important it is to immunize also to reduce viral circulation.

May 5, 2021 (change May 5, 2021 | 21:29)


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