“We are going through a serious crisis in the teaching profession”, deplores the SNALC

by time news

The contract workers recruited this summer to make up for the 4,000 unfilled teacher positions for the 2022 competitions are preparing to spend a few days in training, before the start of the school year.

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“We are going through a serious business crisis”reacted Monday, August 22 on franceinfo, Jean-Rémi Girard, president of the National Syndicate of High Schools and Colleges (SNALC), while the contract workers recruited this summer to compensate for the 4,000 unfilled teacher positions in the 2022 competitions are preparing to follow a training “A few days” this week. “We will need very important measures to revalorize the profession”believes the professor of letters.

“What you have to understand is that the year starts in September but that a certain number of teachers will leave over the years, by November or February”he specifies, recalling that there is a “strong trend” with “more and more teachers who leave their posts voluntarily”via resignations or agreed terminations.

Faced with what he describes as “recruitment crisis”the president of the SNALC calls for an increase in the remuneration of teachers: “It’s a must, we won’t miss it”. But it also mentions working conditions “complicated”with “many incidents” related to the management of students or parents, for which teachers are not “not necessarily supported”. “I know very few colleagues who recommend this job to their own children”concludes Jean-Rémi Girard.

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