“We are going to find a way out by force”, assures Jean-Luc Mélenchon

by time news

Until the end. Present in the procession of demonstrators in Marseille this Saturday, Jean-Luc Mélenchon repeated his determination to bring down the government’s pension reform project. “You have to find a way out, so we will find one by force,” he said.

“Mr. Macron leaves no other possibility than to be in this frontal relationship, well we are frontal and we hope that in a few days, he ends up understanding that it cannot go on like this,” said pleaded the former LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, alongside Manuel Bompard.

“We need a democratic exit”

“This week, the text should return to the National Assembly, and we will reach a kind of peak in the confrontation with power,” he insisted. JLM thus recommends “that we move towards a consultation of the people themselves [par référendum]so that we can decide”.

“In a democratic country, we need a democratic way out of an impasse which was created by power itself”, he insisted, considering that the Head of State had “brutalized” the Assembly and the Senate. “There is an art to governing and it is something different from running a bank, as Mr. Macron was able to do in the past”, scolded the leader of the Insoumis, regretting “the will [du chef de l’Etat] to assert a sort of dominating temperament”.

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