We are in danger, but not in a state of emergency

by time news

BerlinThe number of corona infections is rising to record highs, at the same time the so-called pandemic situation of national scope ends on November 25. The Bundestag would have to agree to a continuation, but there is no longer a majority there. This is crazy! No it is not.

The fact that the state of emergency should now end has triggered a lot of criticism. Mostly it was about that it was the wrong signal, especially now that the number of infections is rising again. The SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach in particular suspects that citizens may feel too safe. But that is a rather haughty look at the citizens, who are otherwise called on every opportunity and quite rightly to take responsibility for themselves.

Besides, this is only about the end of a state of emergency, not the end of all precautionary measures. These will of course be updated in the amendment to the Infection Protection Act, which will be dealt with in the Bundestag from Thursday. Distance rules, mask requirement, hygiene concepts – all of that remains. In the future, the federal states themselves will regulate what is to be continued where and for how long. Incidentally, what they have been doing all along anyway.

It is very amusing that the state governments are now calling for uniformity, of all times. It probably has more to do with the fact that the prime ministers will also have to involve their parliaments in the future. It was the pandemic emergency that made it possible for the federal government and also the state governments to enforce measures by ordinance. But that can only be justified if there is imminent danger, which is no longer the case. Mind you, that doesn’t mean the danger is over. We just have to live with her now. And that will probably continue for a while.


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