We are in the era of bipolarity

by time news

The debate and concern these days is mental health. The years of confinement to which we submitted in the world facing the COVID-19, especially in young people, undoubtedly generated countless consequences. The coronavirus disease greatly affects the neurological system, and to this day I believe that we are still surprised by the consequences that are manifested in other systems and organs of our body. Every day we hear that such a friend was doing very well, and suddenly he got sick. This reminds me of what my uncle once Francisco Hernandez Cuevasthe only one of my father’s sisters and brothers who studied for a degree (he was a doctor, graduated from the National Polytechnic Institute) told us: “A while ago an elderly couple arrived, and the lady expressed that she was worried because her husband never he had gotten sick and suddenly he got sick”, and my uncle Pancho added: “Nobody gets sick suddenly, everything takes an incubation process, unless the person faces a traumatic situation, those are suddenly”.

The coronavirus leaves many sequels. In my case, my back is always cold, I suffer from runny nose daily, a small tremor manifests in my right hand, for a few years I have suffered from sciatica pain and now after getting sick with coronavirus that pain reappeared, but on this occasion the treatment lasted more than four months, a ramification that seems to have not subsided in the inflammation. But I have heard many different narratives regarding the aftermath of that disease. a young man of 24 years who had suffered a few months ago COVID, he suddenly got heart disease and two days after being hospitalized, he died, being vaccinated, with the corresponding booster. Several such cases have been told to me. Very unfortunate. I know people who have suffered three times the COVID and they are very tired.

In the book “Strictly Bipolar”, Darian Leader states that in the postwar period considered the “era of anxiety”, from the 50’s to the 70’s, and the 1980s and 1990scalled the “era of antidepressants”, it was considered that in USA barely one percent of the population suffered from this mental illness. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, we are fully in the “era of bipolarity”, according to the author, since it is now estimated that the 25 percent of Americans You have some form of bipolar disorder. Consultation to stabilize mood is becoming more and more routine, both in adults and in children, with an increase in 400 percent (in the last 20 years) in recipes for children and the 4,000 percent in overall diagnosis since the mid-1990s. The growth of mental illnesses is rapidly increasing. Even to some extent manic states, today associated with bipolarity, are well regarded in the workplace. Also taking medications to treat bipolarity speaks of a new lifestyle, with recognition.

The doctor Jesus Angel Padilla Gamez, director of the Faculty of Medicine of the UAdeC, in Saltillo, believes that mental health is a pending task for society, because we are experiencing a stage of emotional crisis caused by the coronavirus, which generates a lot of uncertainty, anxiety and anguish, which It is changing our behaviors. This will cause interaction problems between people.

In the classroom, the meeting that takes place there is not only the scene of the rational training process, but also the process of building the emotional and social aspects of those who study there. Saint John Henry Newmanabout the university, writes that in the university environment, the young person “forms a mental habit that lasts a lifetime, whose attributes are freedom, equity, calm, moderation and wisdom.”

About the importance of the university in personal and human growth and intercultural dialogue, he dealt with the Pope Francisco before university students from the University of Macerata. He said that “the university is -or at least should be- the place where the mind opens up to the horizons of knowledge, to the horizons of life”. And he finished off the importance that the student must mature not only knowledge, the ability to think and act, but also freedom and “critical and creative” participation in social and civil life.

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