We are obliged to prove the theorem that we are an unbreakable and fruitful ethnic group. Armen Ashotyan – 2024-04-01 21:34:20

by times news cr

2024-04-01 21:34:20

RPA Vice President Armen Ashotyan presented another article from “Nubarashen” prison.

“At the last session of the government, Pashinyan’s outburst against the state institutions of Artsakh and the subsequent pro-government information attack were expected. The interview of the President of Artsakh to the French media was just an occasion, a trigger for the long-accumulated bile, which was expressed by involving the representatives of the Artsakh authorities in various scandals before the Nicolas debacle.

Nikol’s arguments that “there should be only one government in Armenia” almost as always do not withstand criticism.

First of all, it is indisputable that the mandate of Artsakh state institutions does not and cannot be extended to the territory and citizens of the Republic of Armenia. Maybe Nikoli is psychologically uncomfortable that the state structures of Artsakh, which are outside of his influence, appeared in Armenia due to his own fault. However, it is obvious that this is not the main reason for the nervous behavior of the Führer who seized power in Armenia.

The problem is that Pashinyan and Aliyev, having overthrown the statehood of Artsakh with joint efforts, are now trying to wipe out any stem cell of the second Armenian state with the diligence of cleaning office cleaners. Aliyev fights against the buildings of these institutes (remember the demolition of the dome of the NKR NA building) and removes the spiritual and cultural traces of Armenians in Artsakh. And Nikoli is entrusted with disbanding the Artsakh Armenians and burying the instances reminding about the statehood of Artsakh.

It is noteworthy that while Nikol is launching a campaign against Artsakh institutions in Armenia, Aliyev has created and nurtures “Western Azerbaijan” structures, which not only have the opportunity to develop rapidly within Azerbaijan, but also enter the international arena, working with embassies. , communication with international structures, etc.

I must be honest and say that more active activity is expected from Artsakh state structures, so that the Artsakh issue does not disappear from the international political agenda. I understand that in the difficult socio-economic, psychological situation of Artsakh Armenians and the hostile attitude of the current regime of Armenia, it is a very difficult challenge. However, this issue is vital and must be considered as a priority.

It should be honestly admitted that this problem is not only the responsibility of the leadership of Artsakh, but also of the entire Armenian people, including the Diaspora. However, in my field of view (maybe I don’t know) such nationwide support is not visible.

In this context, I have to emphasize something. As with many other issues, we lose to Nicole conceptually on this issue as well. What do I mean? Pashinyan’s actions, no matter how chaotic and impetuous they may seem, are actually the result of plans, goals, tasks, and steps prepared in advance, in response to which the reaction and counteraction of the opposition and society are elemental, uncoordinated, inconsistent.

This methodological crisis also applies to this question. Armenian socio-political thought has not crystallized an algorithm, idea, concept for the future of Artsakh, in the current situation. Months ago, I tried to contribute to such discussions by proposing the “State without territory” concept for Artsakh at this stage (details here). However, unfortunately, there were no serious discussions about this or any other model and a useful final result that could be suitable for the state institutions of Artsakh.

Let me just remind you that the case of Artsakh is unique in the negative sense of being called a “government in exile”, because in the classical sense, in such cases, the authorities “go out” and the population stays in place. However, after the ethnic cleansing carried out by Azerbaijan, both the authorities and the population of Artsakh are “outside”.

However, even in the case of governments in exile, Pashinyan’s speech is abnormal. Can you imagine if Churchill would have addressed the exiled governments of the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia or Poland in London during the Second World War in a cabinet meeting? Or in the same years, the King of Norway attacked the exiled government of Estonia located in Oslo.

The fact that Nicole is dark in spirit and weak in mind is no longer an axiom. And we, as a people, are again obliged to prove the theorem that we are an unbreakable and fruitful ethnic group,” the article states.

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