We are suffering from a crisis, wealth must be redistributed

by time news

2023-06-12 01:02:34

Don’t get us confused! What is at stake in these elections is whether to continue looting banks and monopolies or redistribute wealth. For two reasons. The first, because in our country an alternative to the main problem we have is essential: the monopoly inflation crisis and the rise in financial interest. And the second, because we have the alternative: wealth must be redistributed.

double heist

We suffered a real monopolistic and financial robbery. With each passing day we lose purchasing power: the money we leave in the shopping basket, in the electricity bill, in the gasoline needed to move around, in mortgage and rent payments, and in other basic expenses – It does not stop increasing. Our salaries and pensions shrink as prices rise. And to show a piece of information, each working person has seen our real salary cut by 1,500 euros a year.

“Hello reactionary” or salvage clippings

The main problem that 90% of Spaniards face is not a “reactionary wave” of the PP and the extreme right. They scare us with this threat, and operating out of fear is never good. However, political reality tells us that we are going in another direction in which Feijóo is trying to govern communities and town halls alone, in which Sánchez has launched the slogan “o Feijóo o Sánchez”, and in which offers to the Catalan and Basque bureaucratic bourgeoisie. This all sounds like a kind of “bipartisanship” under other conditions.

In reality, what we are at stake in these general elections is not “whether the right and extreme right rule or the left does,” but rather whether the looting that the monopolies are perpetrating with the rise in electricity bills, gasoline and food; the banks with the rise in mortgages; vulture funds with rent abuses. Let them not confuse us.

Families and the popular classes are impoverished

This crisis is impoverishing families and the popular classes despite the social measures adopted by the Government. They are clearly insufficient and we refer to the facts. In the last year, multinationals like Endesa, monopolies like Repsol, and big banks like Santander, BBVA and CaixaBank have broken profit records, while the purchasing power of workers fell back to 1997 levels!

But the key problem with the social measures adopted by the Government is not only that they are insufficient for 90% of the population, but that they have given rise to a national economic situation in which they are shooting up a public debt that is already on its way to 120 %. This means an unbearable mortgage for the country and for future generations. A rope that slowly suffocates the future of our people and our country.

We support all aid that benefits people

Of course we support all aid that benefits people such as the Minimum Vital Income (IMV). But there is another alternative -against the policy of subsidies at the cost of indebting the country-, the alternative is -what must be done- redistributing wealth, that is, putting a limit on the enormous profits of the big banks and monopolies to use such benefits at the service of generating new wealth, raising wages and pensions and promoting the productive fabric.

To citizens anywhere in Spain on July 23

We tell them that there is an alternative. Because in Spain we have many resources, because we are one of the richest countries in Europe, what we have to do is redistribute the wealth at the service of the country and the majority of its population. A wealth redistribution program needs to reach Congress so that, among other things, the purchasing power of salaries and pensions is guaranteed; so that pensions are shielded in the Constitution; for the country to reindustrialize, creating productive employment, and for a public bank to help the productive fabric of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the self-employed, the rural world, emptied Spain, and families. @mundiario

#suffering #crisis #wealth #redistributed

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