“We are the possibility of change”

by time news

2023-06-13 13:44:32

In front of the Royal Palace of Aranjuez (Madrid) a map of Spain to scale and in blue. Inside, the 52 heads of the PP list for the general elections on July 23, with Alberto Núñez Feijóo in the center. About twenty tourists observe the scene on Tuesday, while a security agent tries, unsuccessfully, to prevent journalists, cameras and candidates from trampling the well-kept lawn that flanks the image. The leader addresses those present, with his eyes on the cameras: “We are the possibility of change that a majority wants and we are the way to achieve it.” At the same time, the Madrid Assembly was constituted, with an absolute majority for the PP. And Vox announced an agreement to make Carlos Mazón president of the Generalitat.

Feijóo buries his proposal that the most voted list govern to steal territorial power from the PSOE


The act in Aranjuez, a municipality southeast of Madrid chosen by the first Bourbons as a resting place for the Royal Family, marks the real start of Feijóo’s pre-campaign for the 23J elections. In his brief address, in which he did not accept any questions from the journalists, the PP leader thanked the party in Madrid for allowing him to lead the list. And he has tried to draw a border between his organization and the rest who attend the elections.

“Above the self, there is the all. Above the who, the what: the general interest, the public service, the Spanish and Spain”, he said, to contrast it with what has happened on the other side of the board, with “parties that ‘bunkerize’ in the face of bad expectations, which come out to lose and place related. With purges, crossed vetoes, revenge, dog-faced negotiations and acronym soups”. A behavior, said the still leader of the opposition, which “speaks loudly of a failure of the parties that are part of the Government” of the coalition.

Feijóo has confirmed that he will repeat the strategy that has worked for him in recent municipal and regional elections: promising the end of ‘sanchismo’. “A political movement”, in his own words, which he aspires to liquidate “with a roar” that could “make the PSOE implode” and “destroy the prestige of those who had it”.

“Spain wants change”, he pointed out. To do this, he added, “there are 40 days left.” “There is a Spain that awaits us outside, a tired, conscious Spain,” he stated. “Tired of lies” and “institutional deterioration”. “Aware”, he added, “of the challenges”. And “concerned about the direction that the economy, society and institutions have taken.”

An idea, that of economic stagnation, which is not supported by any statistical data, but which Feijóo and his entourage repeat like a mantra, confident that the veracity of his statement will not be questioned by his potential voters. It does not matter that wages have recovered purchasing power. The cascade of good data in recent months is irrelevant.

Feijóo has pointed out that Spanish society is “also excited to open a new time and that it knows that we have an extraordinary country, which only needs a government at its height”. The leader of the PP has concluded: “There are 40 days left to elect a focused, serious government at the polls. To start transforming Spain again and improve Spanish politics. To start building a better Spain together”.

After the brief act, which did not take more than 20 minutes, Feijóo greeted a couple of candidates, took some photos and got into the official car. Neither before, nor during nor after has he wanted to attend to the displaced media. According to him, he was riding in his vehicle, the agreement with Vox in the Valencian Community has become known. But the president of the PP who aspires to govern Spain has preferred not to comment.

#possibility #change

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