“We caleños deserve to think big”: Carlos Andrés Arias Rueda

by time news

Giving Cali possible solutions and returning opportunities for development and growth is the commitment of Carlos Andrés Arias Rueda, a Santiago lawyer, former student leader, and former university professor who is convinced that the capital of the Valley can be transformed based on the commitment of citizens and the representativeness of its leaders.

Under this premise, the Cali Piensa en Grande citizen movement was born, a call to Cali people to contribute to true change based on respect, tolerance, values ​​and a sense of belonging to the city.

“We agree that in Cali we need to solve security, mobility, and public transportation problems, among others. However, if we do not think about establishing ourselves in matters of civic culture, assuming our responsibility and identifying how we can contribute to solving problems, we will not be able to move forward”, indicates Carlos Andrés Arias.

Currently a Cali Councilor in his second term in the corporation, he was elected for the first time in 2015, and for the second consecutive time in 2019, considerably expanding his vote.

Among the most important achievements as Councilor is being the speaker of Project Agreement 030, through which the construction of the Animal Welfare and Protection Center for Cali was authorized, which today is a reality.

Strict political control of the credit product called CrediUno, which affected property owners in the face of debtor arrears. This action allowed the cancellation of the contract between Credivalores and Emcali, disappearing said figure. In addition, being the speaker of the Public Sports Policy for Cali made him contribute even more to the city establishing itself as the sports capital of the country.

Sensitive to the latent needs of the city and with a broad content of truly viable proposals such as the District Farm with which the PAE would be strengthened, community kitchens and food in homes for the elderly in the neighborhoods of Cali, Carlos Andrés Arias Rueda puts his name to the consideration of all citizens as a candidate for Mayor of Cali, proposing within his aspiration to insist on educational processes for all without distinction, the generation of opportunities from the synergy between the public and private sectors, for which it is fundamental to guarantee that the institutional framework of the city is protected and to collectively rebuild the lost trust.

“It is not possible that the caleños have our arms down, we are going to work to achieve achievable goals and that is why I invite all citizens to work together so that Cali thinks Big” he points out.


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