“We continue to believe in the power of nations”

by time news

2023-12-24 14:30:06

“The agents installed by George Soros in the European Parliament are blackmailing the EU Commission into giving the money owed to Hungary to Ukraine.” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán made this claim in an interview for the pro-government news television HírTV.

It’s not a small amount of money; Hungary is entitled to a total of 32 billion euros by 2027, Orbán reminded us of the key figures of the EU financial framework. “We were just able to secure ten billion euros, but we have to continue to fight for 22 billion euros.” The Prime Minister combined the statement about the intention to pass on the money owed to Hungary to Ukraine with the recent announcement by the US Secretary of State that 90% of US war aid would benefit the US economy. “If they send our money to Ukraine and the Americans benefit from it in the aforementioned ratio, they are really not doing a bad deal,” Orbán summed up. The noise that has been heard from MEPs in recent days is precisely about the fact that Hungary was able to secure 10 billion euros that these people would have liked to use elsewhere.

“For 26 EU member states, the offer to Ukraine was a political gesture, in my opinion a bad decision. There are Russian soldiers stationed in Ukraine today – do you want to take them into the EU too?”

“We want to conquer the EU”

The Prime Minister clearly rejected the recurring rumors that Hungary wanted to leave the EU. “Our plan is not to leave the EU, we want to conquer the EU,” he said, referring to the European elections scheduled for June 2024. The basic idea of ​​the community is good, but it does not matter who is in charge in Brussels.

In the interview, Orbán then listed among the advantages of the EU the cooperation between the European peoples, the internal market and the fact that the individual member states can add up their strengths and eliminate their weaknesses within the federation. All of this also serves Hungary’s interests. “What we don’t need is a superstate that constantly restricts the scope of the nation states, blackmails them, punishes them and lectures them, and treats the member states like the “province.” Instead, Brussels should recognize the sovereignty of the member states, respect the nations and the countries left to decide how they want to live based on their own culture and traditions.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: “In Brussels people believe that the time of nations is over.”

Caught in the Stone Age?

Those who set the tone in Brussels today have ideas about the world that are extremely harmful to Hungary. “They believe that the time of nations is over and want to build a superstate, the United States of Europe, in their place.” As an example of the contradictions, he cited the child protection law, which Brussels sees as a violation of basic values. “They think we are stuck in the Stone Age while the modern world promotes same-sex marriage and gender reassignment.” In Brussels, people don’t believe in guarded borders. “They are thrilled that all the world’s needy people are flocking to Europe to mix with the locals to create a civilization of a new quality.”

“Ukraine doesn’t need a promise to join the EU in ten years or any other time, it needs immediate help. Instead of a strategic agreement, you enter into negotiations that, as in the case of Turkey, are doomed to failure from the outset.”

Orbán once again criticized the start of accession negotiations with Ukraine, saying that the EU was not at all prepared. On top of that, this is about a country on whose territory Russian soldiers are stationed. “Should we include them?” – he asked the rhetorical question. Ukraine definitely deserves financial support, even if Budapest sees that Kiev doesn’t treat its minorities very squeamishly. But why the EU wants to budget 50 billion euros four years in advance remains a mystery to him, because “we don’t even know what will happen on the fronts in two months.” While Hungary is being withheld funds from the EU budget, Ukraine should receive funds that do not yet exist. “In the end, Hungarians’ money ends up in Ukraine.”

The fact that Hungary is being attacked because of its more intensive economic relations with China is a trap because the West doesn’t want any competition. Hungary wants to act as a bridge between East and West, both geographically and culturally. The country must build a strategy on this, precisely because it is a member of NATO and the EU, the Prime Minister concluded.

“The USA can now assert practically all of its interests in Brussels without any major difficulties,” emphasized the Prime Minister in the studio of the HíRTV news television.
#continue #power #nations

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