“We contradict extremely powerful political and financial forces” Laurent Mucchielli

by time news

In the mainstream media, he had the right to be quoted. It is now ” blacklisté “. Until the outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis, he was considered a major opponent of the far right. Here he is now taxed as far-right. Laurent Mucchielli, research director and sociologist at the CNRS, came to our set to testify to his academic struggle over the past two years and, in his capacity as a sociologist, to deliver his analysis of the causes and mechanisms of this ” influence war “. The researcher, author of two books on the “Covid doxa”, is certain: “ We break a taboo and we come to contradict extremely powerful political and financial forces at the global level ».

The sociology researcher, known for his works on the theme of insecurity, compares the societal situation in which we have been immersed since the start of the Covid-19 crisis to that of the period of ” religious wars “. An impression of backpedaling in the 16th century. Questioning the validity of the various health measures or that of the ” vaccine miracle is to profess a heresy and excommunicate oneself, a particularly significant phenomenon within the scientific community, reports Laurent Mucchielli: “ The most aggressive, the most arrogant are some of my colleagues. This is something that I had already analyzed at the time of the yellow vests movement 2 years ago: a form of racism of the diploma “. The CNRS research director recalls that, however, the foundation of science is “ subject a truth to the possibility of refutation “. And to lament: However, there, we come up against totally dogmatic discourse which, by definition, is not science. ».

He also analyzes the media communication plugged into the emotional register of fear, a tactic that has completely extinguished the critical analysis capacities of many French people. This fear which makes crazy crosses the whole of society and has no connection with the level of diploma, underlines the researcher who reports: I have seen eminent colleagues behaving like little children, being ready to swallow anything, and being unable to have the slightest argument, simply because they were terrified. »

During this interview, Laurent Mucchielli also expressed his dismay at the censorship that is rampant in the media largely responsible for this panic, such as Médiapart, or even on social networks. Formerly bearers of a promise of freedom and better participation of citizens in public debate, for the researcher, they have now become ” amazing thought-forming machines ».

The opportunity also for him to denounce the intellectual dishonesty that underlies the public debate. In 1984, his first demonstration, when he was still in high school, was organized to oppose the arrival of Jean-Marie le Pen in his city. A position that will not move an inch in the years that will follow. Again in March 2020, just before the Covid-19 crisis, Laurent Mucchielli published a new book entitled France as it is: To put an end to the nationalist complaint. « A kind of anti-Zemmour manual “, he explains. However, since his position on the Covid, the sociologist would now be… far-right.

Another example in support of his demonstration. The journalistic class had discredited hydroxychloroquine by arguing an ANSM pharmacovigilance report which reported four deaths, three of whom died by self-medication, the fourth having committed suicide by multi-drug overdose. However, highlighting the same pharmacovigilance to alert on the side effects of the anti-Covid vaccine is, according to the same people, a method that “ is worthless ». « The principle and the source itself suit you when it suits you and no longer suit you when it bothers you sums up the academic.

Laurent Mucchielli also returned to the International Covid Summit (ICS), a congress which brought together scientific experts from all over the world for four days at the IHU Méditerranée Infection directed by Professor Didier Raoult, according to him, a success which allowed to stimulate scientific debate. For the researcher, the crisis we are experiencing is, like all other crises, “ a moment of acceleration in history ». However, despite pressure, Mucchielli says: I would go all the way because the subject demands it. »

See also: The International covid summit at the IHU in Marseille: “It was important to come together”

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