“We do not recognize a decrease in the interest of foreign investors in the Israeli economy”

by time news

“We do not detect a decrease in interest in investments in Israel from foreign investors,” said attorney Gilad Ben Ami, one of the founders of the GBTAX firm that specializes in accompanying international investors in Israel, during a special event of the firm, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, to a group of foreign investors from Europe. with an emphasis on representatives from Germany. In the opinion of Attorney Ben Ami, “Israel’s macroeconomic advantages, along with the business environment, the workforce, the quality entrepreneurs, the government’s investment incentives, including the tax incentives, the system of international agreements and the internal legal system – all of these are not expected to change in the foreseeable future, what which makes Israel an attractive destination for foreign investments.”

The GBTAX law firm’s event was attended by representatives of 35 foreign companies, representatives of family offices and VC funds that invest or are considering investing in Israel, alongside representatives from the Ministry of Economy and about 20 senior executives of Israeli companies, with an emphasis on Israeli high-tech companies. The members of the delegation were hosted as part of an initiative by the Ministry The economy, in order to familiarize them with the business environment in Israel, when the GBTAX law firm presented to them the tax system in Israel and tax incentives that exist in Israeli law for foreign investors.

During the event, senior officials of the GBTAX attorney’s office addressed the existing concerns regarding the initiative to change the Israeli legal system. According to attorney Ran Bigon: “The legal and taxation environment in Israel provides investors, entrepreneurs and companies with significant benefits – benefits for development centers, benefits for exporting innovation and technology, concessions and benefits for investors , government grants, legal protections and more. All of these keep Israel competitive in the global economy as a destination for investments and economic activity. We see no real concern, at this stage, of continuing to invest in Israel or with the intention of avoiding investing in Israel.”

The GBTAX office – Ben Ami, Bigon & Co. – is an office specializing in Israeli taxation and international taxation. The firm represents a wide range of clients – public companies, international business groups, foundations, trusts, private companies, private equity holders and foreign investors. The vast knowledge of the firm’s team, together with an extensive network of contacts around the world, allows the firm to plan and build the appropriate and effective tax strategy for each client personally, using exceptional professionals around the world.

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