We do not want to be another Trujillo

by time news

After persistent attempts by municipal mayors, The province of Arequipa has been declared in a state of emergency due to the growing increase in crime and citizen insecurity. The measure, which will last 20 calendar dayswas established by Supreme Decree No. 043-2024-PCM, approved this last Tuesday.

According to the provisions, the National Police of Peru (PNP) will assume control of internal order in Arequipa, with the support of the Armed forces. Also I know will restrict or suspend various constitutional rights of the population.

Among them the inviolability of the home, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and personal freedom and security, during the validity of the state of emergency. However, no curfew was imposed.

The decree also stipulates that, five days after the end of the measure, the PNP of Arequipa must present a detailed report on the results achieved. This will be sent to the owner of the Ministry of Interior.

Mayor of Arequipa justifies measure

After the announcement of the measure, the provincial mayor of Arequipa, Víctor Hugo Rivera, came out to support and justify the declaration of a state of emergency. The councilor argued that they are looking for prevent the insecurity situation from worsening.

“It has been said that the situation is not serious like in Trujillo, we do not want to reach that uncontrollable state, that is what we explained to President Dina Boluarte. We don’t want to become another Trujillo, we have time.”

Victor Hugo Rivera, provincial mayor of Arequipa

Regarding the concerns of the business sector about the impact on tourism, Rivera stated that the priority is to guarantee the safety of citizens and visitors. He assured that, without effective measures against crime, Tourism will be affected anyway.

“We are not going to go against investments, on the contrary, we need more businessmen to say that you can invest in Arequipa. We also want tourists to come and leave satisfied without anything having happened to them.”

Victor Hugo Rivera, provincial mayor of Arequipa

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  • Graduated from the Communication Sciences program at the National University of San Agustín, she is an investigative journalist specialized in political and social issues, education, health and regional controversies.

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