“We don’t give our 14-year-old son the car keys but we do give him an AI app”

by time news

2023-10-23 01:49:11

«The home robot vacuum cleaner is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Although at a very, very rudimentary level, it is. Because the machine has to take control of the meters of the house, with the places where it can go up and down, locate the areas where the most dust accumulates…». Welcome progress. But it is also AI – the generative one, the one where you enter a text or a photo and it generates a result – that cheap app with which some minors digitally undressed their classmates in Almendralejo (Badajoz) and distributed their photos, one of the cases more media and that has cast the shadow of suspicion on a technology that advances at a pace that neither law nor ethics can match. «Yes, there are reasons for suspicion and alert because Artificial Intelligence has been creeping into our daily lives and can erode the right to the image, put jobs at risk… We should not fear progress, but this is going to impact our lives. The border between what is real and what is not has been blurred. No technology had reached that point,” acknowledges Ana I. Herrán, professor of Civil Law at the University of Deusto, who participated this week in the BBK Trends Forum event in Bilbao.

– Some boys manipulate photos of other girls to undress them. And they do it with an easy-to-use app that barely costs 30 euros. Are there no barriers?

– Having a cell phone and knowing how to press the keys, as all kids know how to do, does not make you responsible for the use of technology. Quite the opposite. Kids believe that, since they were born with a cell phone, they know everything. And that makes them reckless, they have no ethical conscience. I would say that they are not even aware of the damage they are doing, they do not realize that their right to use that technology ends when it violates the right to the image of those girls. Education, ethical leaders are needed.

Free access

«Having a cell phone and knowing how to press the keys does not make you responsible in the use of technology and kids think they know everything»

– To the average citizen it gives the feeling that what those kids have done will hardly have any consequences… that there is no brake.

– The brake is the legislator. I wouldn’t think it would be a bad thing if the regulations were reviewed because, when a case like the one in Almendralejo occurs, we examine the responsibility of the kids who manipulated the photos and that of their families. But what about the company that has developed this tool designed precisely for image manipulation? Because that can have a positive application, yes, but also a negative one, as has been demonstrated in this case. And who markets that app and puts it in the hands of anyone for 15 or 30 euros? Don’t those people have responsibility?

“Ban, why not?”

– Should new crimes be classified?

– The first thing to do is evaluate the risk of each tool to determine the range. And, depending on that danger, control, limit applications to certain uses or groups or, if the risk is not acceptable, why not prohibit? Given that education and prevention are not enough…

– There are movements in this sense, towns and groups of families that agree not to give cell phones to their children, for example.

– An American state has passed a law that prohibits minors from accessing social networks between certain hours of the night. I don’t know how the networks would respond to that but something has to be done because, in the same way that you would never give the car keys to your 14-year-old son, we cannot put tools in his hands, like these Artificial Intelligence ones that, just as It has been proven, they are dangerous. Neither in the hands of minors nor in those of adults.

“Put the bell on the cat”

– Europe is already working on new legislation that controls AI. They have also developed a code of good practices and intend to identify the content created by Artificial Intelligence with a watermark.

– Yes, things are being done. In China, for example, they already have a specific law, which was approved in April and came into force in August, that regulates Artificial Intelligence. Initially it was more restrictive, but they have been opening their hand. They have made it mandatory for every image created by AI to be identified as such, but we must go further.

– A worldwide law?

– That should be the context and what the UN has asked for, global legislation that guarantees technological advancement in a respectful way.

– And why does it cost so much?

– Because there are many economic interests and expectations of results. Governments and institutions look askance at each other. Nobody wants to restrict the development of Artificial Intelligence or the competitiveness of their companies. And a restrictive law could stop it. They have invested so much money that let’s see who bells the cat now.


– The key is to conceive a law that combines progress and respect for rights. We need a legal order that generates security and, in this regard, we are still in its infancy. The human being has to be the center of progress, otherwise progress will sweep us away.

«By 2023 they wanted to replicate the brain. And they haven’t achieved it.”

A few months ago the creators of Artificial Intelligence asked for a break, for a while. And yes, “that is a point in its favor”, although Ana I. Herrán is suspicious of the motivations that led to the request for the moratorium. «I am convinced that the AI ​​developers did not ask for time to do humanity a favor, but because they had not achieved the results they expected. Their plans were to be able to replicate the brain in 2023. Elon Musk and others had already said it: they wanted to reproduce our thoughts with AI and it is not working. That’s why they ask for more time, not out of generosity. “They are investing too much money in this technology and it is not producing the results they had anticipated.”

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