«We don’t know where he is»- time.news

by time news

2023-11-26 13:49:01

by Irene Soave

The girl’s brother, Itay, is also among the hostages: he too is nowhere to be found. But releasing the hostages by separating them from their families is contrary to the agreement with Israel

Hila Rotem Shoshani, thirteen years old, among the five children and teenagers and eight women freed on the night between Saturday and Sunday by Hamas. And without her mother Raaya, 54 years old, kidnapped with her, of whom Hamas can say nothing other than that she has no news. Her return to Israel, together with the little Irish girl Emily Hand who has been motherless since the age of two, caused a wave of emotion. And also of disdain: it is contrary to the letter of the agreement to release children separated from their parents.

On October 7, Hila was hiding in the panic room at home, on Kibbutz Be’eri, with her mother. She had managed to send a message to her brother Yair: They are taking us away. They did what they wanted, some of us defended ourselves but there were too few of us. No one has heard from her since then. Her daughter Hila had run away, and she was hiding in the bushes behind the house. The terrorists found her there.

Upon returning to Israel, to the protected community on the Red Sea where the residents of the kibbutzim attacked in October were brought, Hila was welcomed by her uncle Yair and family friends. There is also no news of Hila Itay’s brother, who was also kidnapped by Hamas.

Hila’s separation from her mother Raya, also a hostage, violates the agreement; and his teenage brother Itay. In the rules agreed with the mediation of Egypt and Qatar, for the release of 50 Israeli hostages in four days in exchange for a truce and the release of Palestinian prisoners in the ratio of one to three, there is also that of not separating families . Hila Rotem was welcomed in the last few hours by her uncle. Hila is returning home without her mother Raya, who remains a prisoner. Hamas has seriously violated the agreement and separated mother and daughter, we read in a note from the Israeli authorities.

And a protest also comes from Kibbutz Be’eri, from which twelve of the thirteen freed hostages – Hila, her mother Raya, and her brother – came. While saying they were happy for the return of the abductees, the community stressed that three children from two families on the kibbutz had been separated from their only remaining parent.

They are not the only half-freed family unit. The teenagers Alma and Noam Or were released during the night, whose father Dror is still a prisoner. The agreement does not envisage freeing adult men, but first women and children; for the two brothers are motherless, having seen her die on the kibbutz during the assault on October 7th.

On the case of Hila Rotem Shoshani Hamas defends itself and explains that it has not violated the agreement with Israel. We did not find Raya, explain the Hamas militiamen. Still on the need to keep families together, based on the criterion of prohibition of family separation, Hamas explained that not even Itai Regev, the eighteen-year-old brother of Mia Regev, who was released injured, was found. The N12 TV station explains that, to avoid a violation of the agreement, Hamas offered to release elderly women instead of the girl and the nurse, but Israel opted for the latter.

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November 26, 2023 (modified November 26, 2023 | 12:48)

#dont #time.news

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