“We have never seen him before”

by time news

2024-07-26 09:54:57

Human nature has been a fantasy for millennia with the idea that it exists extraterrestrial life. The vastness of the heavenly universe is too great to think that we are alone. And what at first may seem like a ‘conspiracy’ topic of communication can be supported by scientific evidence: the NASA has announced the presence of “signals” in a Mars rocks “that may indicate the presence of life” on the Red Planet. They don’t see.

“NASA’s six-wheeled geologists on Mars found a fascinating rock that shows signs of hosting microbial life billions of years ago, but more research is still needed.” This is as a note with which NASA explains the good news found by the rover perseverancethe US space agency’s robotic search engine on Mars.

The discovery still needs a thorough investigation to shed light on whether it really is Does the Red Planet host a planet or not?. News that, if confirmed, will go around our world.

Basic parts of life

But… What exactly has Endurance seen? The rover has sent images of a rock measuring more than half a meter on dry land and a Martian rock that has been named ‘Cheyava Falls‘. The arrowhead-shaped rock has “strange features” that suggest it may have moved microbial life billions of years ago.

“A rock full of veins has caught the attention of the engineering team on NASA’s Perseverance rover. Named by the team ‘Cheyava Falls,’ this arrow-shaped rock has the most interesting features that can helps explain whether Mars was once a host. invisible life in the distant past“, NASA has specified. Maybe it’s not about aliens that produce a collective opinion, but it’s about life and, therefore, an exclusive show.

rock, which was obtained on July 21 when the Rover explored the northern extent of the Neretva Vallis river (the old river valley 400 meters wide), shows both chemical signals and structures that fits the meaning of a possible indication of ancient life.

“The analysis carried out by the instruments on board the rover indicates that the rock has properties that match the definition of a possible indication of ancient life. The rock shows chemical signatures and structures that may have formed as the result of the previous world, billions of years ago, when the area was explored by the Rover river of water” field information.

However, NASA also wants to reduce the hope created around the news: “The scientific team is considering other things that can explain the observed characteristics, and they will be important. Future studies to determine whether ancient life is a valid explanation.”

Although images scanned by Perseverance show that this rock contains organic compounds of carbon-based moleculeread the basic aspects of life, these can also be governed by non-natural processes. Therefore, it is still too early to talk openly about Martian life.

Something not seen before

“We designed the Perseverance mission to make sure it goes to areas that have the potential to find interesting science samples,” said Nicola Fox, associate director of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. said Washington. “This journey along the Neretva Vallis river has borne fruit, as we have seen something we have never seen beforewhich will give our scientists a lot to study.”

“Cheyava Falls It is the most complex, complex and potentially important rock Perseverance has been under-researched until now,” said Ken Farley, Perseverance project scientist at Caltech University in Pasadena.” On the one hand, we have our first confirmation of organic material: characteristic color spots that are indicative of chemical reactions that microbial life can use. as a source of energy; and clear evidence that water, necessary for life, once passed through rock. “On the other hand, we have not been able to determine exactly how the rock was formed and to what extent the nearby rocks could have heated the ‘Cheyava Falls’ rock and contributed to the formation of these structures.”

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