“We have to go to Munich with the mentality of giving everything, like in Marseille”, insists Danilo Pereira

by time news

The Portuguese international midfielder from PSG confides in AFP before the reception of Nantes, this Saturday (9 p.m.), during the 26th day of Ligue 1.

Your coach and teammates describe you as a model team player
Danilo Pereira : When I’m on the bench, of course I’m not happy, but that’s how it is, we are 25 players, everyone wants to play. But I’m ready to come in and give my best to help the team, that’s my mentality. And she helps me a lot, after that it’s easier to come into play. When I arrived at 18 in Parma, I couldn’t say anything when I was on the bench, but I’ve always been like that , I am a player who has worked hard to succeed. I think I haven’t changed much since I was 18, only now I’m more experienced.

Does it come from your upbringing?
It’s the education I received, the relationship I have with my mother, especially on emotions. I think my upbringing helped me get this far. When you live alone with your mother and she works a lot, you have to do things that children don’t do, you have to be less emotional, more mature and more rational.

Your coaches praise your versatility, are you also comfortable in central defense?
My position has always been defensive midfielder, but as I have often said, there are times when the coaches had no option and put me as central defender. I already played in this position before arriving in Paris. It’s a position that I know well or I adapt well. I did it in Roda, in Maritimo, in Porto, here…

Midfielder or defender? The movements are not the same, it’s a little difficult but I adapt.

Danilo Pereira

How do you adapt your game when you become central defender?
Sometimes it’s not easy. When you know you are going to play central defender, you have time to prepare, but sometimes I start the game as a defensive midfielder and then I have to step back. There you have to change your mentality, and also your way of playing. The movements are not the same, it’s a little difficult but I adapt.

How did you get into Sunday’s match in Marseille, without warming up, after Kimpembe’s injury?
I was touched by his injury because Presnel is a friend that I love very much, he has helped me a lot since I arrived here, I feel sorry for him. It’s complicated to enter like that without warming up, but I’m prepared for any eventuality, and there I was ready even without warming up, I was already hot because it’s a Classic (laughs)!

Do you consider that the team has relaunched to the classic?
I’m happy, Marseille had eliminated us in the Cup (2-1, editor’s note), it was a blow for us, going there to win a Classic 3-0 was important, because we have big matches who arrive. And now we have taken eight points from the lead in the championship (the ranking here).

We knew that everything could change in a game.

Danilo Pereira

The click is the match against Lille?
Yes, because I have a friend who told me that fans left the stadium before the end of the match, and Messi’s goal (for the 4-3 at the last second, editor’s note). We sent a message, the match is never over before the referee whistles the end of the match. It gave us confidence, confidence between us and for the supporters too. Many have been with us, after Marseille it was magnificent when we arrived at the airport, the strength that their welcome gave us. We knew we couldn’t stay like that, at this level. We knew that everything could change in a game.

We see that you talk a lot to your teammates in matches…
Yes (laughs), on the pitch I talk a lot, but in my life I don’t talk a lot, I try to be as discreet as possible. But on the pitch I change my behavior because I like to win, and if I can help someone and give my opinion on something, I’ll give it, regardless of who I’m talking to.

On the way out, we know we weren’t there mentally, but we have changed.

Danilo Pereira

How will we have to approach the round of 16 second leg of C1 against Bayern Munich (March 8 at the Allianz Arena)?
If we lose, we are eliminated, if we win, we pass, that’s how we have to approach this match. We have to go to Munich with the mentality of giving everything, like in Marseille. On the way out, we know that we were not there mentally. But we have changed. Now, mentally we are ready, and physically everything will be ready too, I think that’s what was missing. (After the three defeats against Marseille, Monaco and Bayern), the group spoke to each other, not only between us but with the coach and all the staff. I think that time passed because we all talked together about what we should do and the things we didn’t do well.

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