“We hope to arrive with Draghi at the end of the term”, says Salvini

by time news

Time.news – “We plan to arrive with Draghi at the end of the legislature in March 2023”. This was stated by the leader of the League Matteo Salvini in an interview with Il Giornale.

On the possibility of the premier at the QuirinaleSalvini replied: “It is not Salvini who decides Draghi’s future, for the moment I hope he continues to be prime minister because he is doing it well. And if he wished to be President of the Republic, I would be his first supporter. But for now they are premature speeches “.

As for the referendums, for Salvini, they are not an obstacle to reforms. “Not at all, i six themes that I have married in agreement with the Radical Party they are not a matter dealt with by Parliament or even by the government.

We support the possibility for a magistrate to stand as a candidate outside the mainstream. In short, let’s try to get rid of this deleterious mechanism explained by Luca Palamara in his book. And then we deal with the civil liability of judges, a subject already the subject of a referendum in the 1980s “.

Salvini then wants to change the pre-trial detention: “There are 22,000 people in custody, there are a thousand cases a year of subjects who are acquitted or acquitted after prison, thank you and goodbye. No, that’s not good. My concern is that the Democratic Party and the Five Stars do not want the reforms that we and Draghi want to do “.

The leader of the League also speaks of public administration and taxation: “We want competitions in 100 days, we want lean procedures, we want meritocracy. Brunetta is putting her hand to the matter and Parliament is called upon to give its opinion shortly. It is a decisive turning point. We can immediately raise the flat tax for VAT numbers on a flat-rate basis. Bringing the ceiling from 65 thousand to 100 thousand euros “.

Federated center-right, then common candidates

“I believe and hope by June to reach the federation of the center-right forces, at least of those that support the Draghi government”. The leader of the League continued in the long interview with Il Giornale.

I’m meeting potential candidates (in municipal elections, ed.), An expression of the civic world – he declares – let’s go ahead, in a few days we will decide. But that is not all. I believe and hope by June to reach the federation of the center-right forces, at least of those that support the Draghi government. All. We are all on the same level but we need to take a step forward. For example, by creating unique groups in the Chamber and the Senate “.

With respect to the Coraggio Italia party, he adds: “I respect Toti and Brugnaro, but I think it is right to find a synthesis without arguments in the center-right“.

With the leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, “I find it difficult to federate majority and opposition forces. But I say that we have the duty to create common lists with everyone in 2023. All together in the majority, choosing candidates common to all the center-right, then each will compete in the proportional and there will express their identity “.

Do you want to join Forza Italia? “For nothing. We are all on the same level but we need to take a step forward “.


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