We must bear trials with grace

by times news cr

2024-09-10 10:53:05

“Let us suffer the trials with composure, of course, seeking to reveal God’s justice, and not lightly accept everything that happens in our lives. God has given us reason, but let us be aware, search and examine our conscience, which be right before God. Let us see if we do not incline to something else, if we do not put our trust in something else, if our aspirations do not lead us away from God. Then, when our conscience testifies to us that we really want God’s will to be in our lives and, when we suffer – this cleanses our hearts. Our faith strengthens”, said in his speech today His Holiness the Sofia Metropolitan and Bulgarian Patriarch Daniil, who presided over the festive holy liturgy in the Divotin monastery for the feast of the holy righteous Joachim and Anna, parents of Mother of God – St. Mother of God, reported the Bulgarian Patriarchate.

The solemn holy liturgy was celebrated in the Church of the Seventy Apostles in the monastery. Their Eminences served with His Holiness: Bishops Gerasim of Melnysh – Chief Secretary of the Holy Synod, Bishop Pachomius of Branitsky – Vicar of the Metropolitan of Sofia, Archimandrite John – Protosignal of the Holy Metropolis of Sofia, Archimandrite Joachim – Abbot of the Monastery, Archimandrite Meletius – Rector of the Sofia Theological Seminary , metropolitan priests and Hierodeacon Bartholomew. The chants were performed by students at the Sofia Theological Seminary.

“We live these days with the joy that the holy and righteous godparents Joachim and Anna had when they heard the news that they had gained favor with God and that the Lord would grant them a child and especially when she was born what a joy it was in this family. Joy long-awaited and long-suffering. The entire Orthodox Church rejoices for the birth of the Blessed Virgin. Through her came the salvation of all men. We celebrate the fruit of faith, the fruit of piety “Great is the mystery of godliness” (1 Tim. 3:16), says St. Apostle Paul, God appeared in the flesh,” His Holiness said in his speech. Patriarch Daniel highlighted the long-suffering and faith of the holy righteous Joakim and Anna, as well as their sincere trust in God.

Patriarch Daniil also greeted the abbot of the monastery, Archimandrite Joakim, who was also celebrating his name day. Archimandrite Joachim thanked His Holiness for the blessing, wishing him that Saints Joachim and Anna would pray to God for him and accompany him in his difficult ministry as the First Hierarch of our native Orthodox Church. At the end of the divine service, a hymn was sung for the Bulgarian Patriarch Daniil, for the Holy Synod and for all those celebrating today, writes BTA.

In the Divotinska holy monastery, in addition to the cathedral church dedicated to the Holy Trinity and the church dedicated to the holy Seventy Apostles, there is also a chapel dedicated to Saint Anna, which celebrates one of its holidays on September 9 – the day of Saints Joachim and Anna.

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