“We must blow up the “Berlin wall” which is suffocating France”

by time news

DSince 1958, France has rarely been in such a political situation where confusion and doubt dominate.

After a first five-year term marked by the solitary exercise of power, the President of the Republic finds himself at a crossroads. The crisis of the “yellow vests” is the direct result of this Jupiterian power, far removed from the daily realities experienced by the French. A distance often due to the piling up of politico-administrative strata which, over time and reforms, have created a veritable “Berlin wall” between the head of state, whoever he is, and the people. A wall that is suffocating society and that it is up to us to break down, for the good of the nation, otherwise populists of all stripes will come to power.

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The responsibility of the President of the Republic, barely re-elected and already contested, is immense. It must, first and foremost, rebuild national cohesion undermined by years and years of neoliberal policies that have transformed the state into a profit center, managed like a private company, and where every action is analyzed. in terms of cost. The recent health crisis has demonstrated the ineptitude of this vision which has transformed the public hospital into the poor relation of health care without the private sector being able to really take over.

The President of the Republic must first rebuild the national cohesion undermined by years and years of neoliberal policies

Where are we with education, security, justice, major aging infrastructure, social protection, a long-time factor in the efficiency of our economy, now doomed to jokes likening it to welfare? when she was the spearhead of our solidarity?

All this heritage, patiently built over time, this wealth of those who own nothing, is sinking before our eyes. The French are seeing all this disappear and are torn between those who benefit from globalization and the others, those who are nothing, over the solutions to be provided. This is how France is fragmented, plagued by doubts that make it vulnerable to the speeches of the populists and make it look for culprits.

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Whether on social and environmental issues, the defense of republican values ​​or the difficult issue of decentralization, the President of the Republic must bring together and propose a project that cannot be reduced to this formula, which is as dangerous as it is devastating for our model. : “We have to adapt. »

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