we must finally decide, the country is paralyzed (editorial-Djoma Mognouma) – 2024-03-13 08:58:15

by times news cr

2024-03-13 08:58:15

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The only certainty, to date, almost a month after the departure of the now former Prime Minister Goumou and his entire team, is the government structure published at the beginning of last week.

A structure which reveals both the number of ministers to be appointed and the protocol order. There will be no more than 29, despite the multiple offers and hopes that almost all Guineans who dream of being ministers and who attribute, to this end, undue qualities, to assume this function, however hyper elitist, can harbor.

As for the rest, it’s a pipe dream! Every day has enough rumors. The merchants of illusions poison the city with speculation.

In this matter, what has evolved is the inner circle which has the power to make proposals. He who reconstituted himself to root out indiscreet collaborators from his ranks.

Not an ounce of reliable information on what is being done to us at the top of the State. There, unfortunately, we have the impression that we are in no hurry.

Everything seems to be going as if nothing had happened, even though for three weeks, to the day, Guinea has been without a government.

This situation would be almost comically absurd if it did not paralyze the country which is operating slowly.

As proof, payments of all kinds are frozen. Only those linked to the salaries and maintenance of the army, the great mute who would have broken the silence to claim its share of the important pie in the future thing, are authorized, without firing a shot.

A matter of common sense, certainly. But surely, a question of survival to maintain the apparent social tranquility, which is very precarious, as well as stability in these times of terrorist threats that are sold to us at every wind.

As a result, the economy is slowing down. The administration also, which depends heavily on it, is completely paralyzed. In a country where everything is a priority.

In a country where resources are becoming scarce due to multifaceted exogenous and endogenous crises, there is reason to worry. It is for those who know how to measure the consequences of such a void.

The situation requires us to ask ourselves what could possibly delay the appointment of a team made up of 29 ministers, especially for leaders who are not in their first exercise of this kind. Leaders who have spent more than two years in power, which has allowed them to rub shoulders with and appreciate executives in their administration, and beyond, able to meet their expectations, in accordance with the mission entrusted to them.

It is obvious that the choices depend on the mission which we still have difficulty determining. One year from the end of the deadline, in accordance with the timetable which marks the end of the transition, the constraints can no longer be the same. The economic environment, coupled with an increasingly acute political-social crisis, makes the situation disruptive, and therefore difficult to contain in the near future, if we maintain the same functioning marked with a little disdain and great amateurism. .

The new Prime is aware of this. It is then to bring those interlocutors who pretend to ignore everything, to face the evidence in order to put in place a government which combines competence and political representativeness, according to political openness.

We will see if the obsession with walling off any initiative of openness known among military leaders, if this obsession, will resist the principle of reality.


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