“We need to go back to the base of our faith”, says Pastor Teo Hayashi

by time news

After going public with an alert to young evangelicals about the ex-gospel singer Priscilla Alcântara, who performed at Carnaval 2023 alongside Ivete Sangalo, in Bahia, Pastor Teo Hayashi returned to use his social networks to go public with details your understanding of Christian conduct today.

Hayashi criticized what he called the “normalization of depravity”, which, according to him, is the result of constant relativizations of biblical doctrine. In this sense, he asked the following question: “Is it normal for Christians to skip Carnival?”

According to the pastor, the answer is no! “Hypergrace is the anteroom of relativism. Relativism deconstructs and confuses the foundations of faith and so we experience the phenomenon of normalization of things that have always been absurd”, he says.

Citing biblical passages such as Galatians 5:19-21, Corinthians 6:18 and Ephesians 6:11-12, the pastor explained that a Christian should not participate in activities such as Carnival because it is an event that promotes sinful practices in light of Bible.

Teo Hayashi compared Carnival (which he represents as its essence) with other practices also condemned by the Bible, saying that, for example, “it has always been obviously wrong for a Christian to consult fortune tellers, fortune tellers, stars, tarot and the like, for the fact that these practices are repugnant to God (Deut. 18:10-13; Jer. 27:9; Lev. 19:31)”.

being a Christian

In his reflection, Pastor Teo also explained that theological relativism has diluted the meaning of “being a Christian”, making it so that there is no longer any difference between those who really follow Christ in the light of the Bible, those who do not, or those who say follow, but outside the biblical precepts.

“They want to relativize the difference between Christians and non-Christians. In a little while there will no longer be the category of the backslidden Christian. We will only have the Christian stoner, the Christian mugger, the Christian in the club, the Christian of polyamory, the Christian who does not believe in Christ”, says the pastor.

“Basically ‘trans Christianity’ in an age where the Bible will be branded by many as a hate book and parts of it will be censored,” adds Hayashi. Watch:

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