“We need to make a memorandum to go see Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya” (Fodé Oussou Fofana)

by time news

2023-11-19 22:48:33

On the occasion of the festivities of President Cellou Dalein Diallo’s 16 years of leadership, an extraordinary assembly was organized this Saturday, November 18, 2023 at the national headquarters of the UFDG, chaired by vice-president Doctor Fodé Oussou Fofana.

The meeting took place in the presence of representatives of several political groups.

For Doctor Fodé Oussou Fofana, vice-president of the UFDG, these 16 years have reflected an unwavering commitment to the values ​​which govern democracy in particular. This is why, according to him, this date of November 18 must be written in gold in the history of Guinea.

<< Ces 16 années ont été le reflet de notre engagement indéfectible envers les valeurs qui régissent la démocratie, la justice sociale et la prospérité pour tous. Cette date du 18 novembre doit être inscrite en lettre d’or dans l’histoire de la Guinée. Ce jour, nous lançons un appel solennel pour la mobilisation de l’ensemble des partis politiques sans exception. Et il faut qu’on fasse un mémorandum pour aller voir le Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya >>, he suggested.

On the other hand, Aliou Bah from MODEL thinks that there is no shame in being in exile. “There is rather shame in forcing people to go into exile. With everything he has accomplished, it is those who want to force him not to freely exercise his rights in Guinea, these are the ones who should be ashamed. Justice in Guinea, we know how often it is exploited. Exile is not a shame, be proud of your president>>, he tells the activists and sympathizers of the Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea.

Towards the end of the assembly, posthumous awards were given to family members of those who fought for the party.

Bah Mamadou Baïlo for Aminata.com

#memorandum #Colonel #Mamadi #Doumbouya #Fodé #Oussou #Fofana

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