We ranked the 10 biggest stars of “Great Country”. Esi Cohen in second place

by time news

A lot can happen in 20 years. Countries can rise and fall, stars rise and crash, whole lives can change, even Bibi can stop being prime minister (for now). And yet, in the last twenty years, there was one institution that survived all the frantic changes that have passed through us – “Amazing Land”. What was an ambitious project in 2002, is in 2022 such a distinct part of Israeli television that it is hard to remember a time when this was not the country’s satire program. Over the years, the cast of Eretz Fehadal has also undergone changes, with only four participants – Eyal Kitsis, Mariano Idelman, Eli Finish and Alma Zak – surviving all 19 seasons (and the 20 currently being broadcast) to this day. All of them are worthy, all of them are insanely talented, but what will be examined here is not necessarily their quality but the extent of their impact on the program and its history. Let’s get going.

10. Shani Cohen

From here to there, already 13 seasons in the program. In soccer terms, her career in “Eretz” began when she crossed the lines from the network’s competing (well, tried to compete) “Shabuv Sof” straight to the main stage – and there she already developed, grew and also became an actress and presenter. She may not be the strongest member of the ensemble, but she is responsible for some highlights in the running sketches – from Mesket Lieblich from “Bat Mitzvah” to Nofer from “The Chapels” and earned the top ten honorably.

Shani Cohen as Nuno (from “Wonderland”)

9. Yuval Samo

A bit like Kitsis, Friedman, Eli or Mariano – Samo is another example where the humor rises from the basements of the stand-up clubs and reaches prime time. Samo began his career in the “Prozac Trio” and then in several roles in the cult series “The Strip” on the “Bip” channel, joined “A Wonderful Land” in 2007 (16 seasons, who would have believed) and is responsible for some unforgettable characters – Maun Perlin, the shrewd advisor , through Asher Ben Hurin the taxi driver, and to “the beautiful Israeli” – perhaps his most memorable character. A natural and strong comedian, to whom Eretz gave him his rightful, but not obvious, place in Israeli prime time.

8. Roi bar Natan

A good example of someone who managed to build a career from the outside, and joined Eretz as a star. He stood out mainly in the field in which he specializes – the world of culture, where over the years he imitated figures such as Gidi Gov, Gali Atari, Arik Lavi and Shlomi Shaban. Also responsible for one of the successful political imitations – that of Boji Herzog, later the president of the country. His presence in Israel is so natural that it is not clear why it did not last longer – in any case, he is totally worth a ten.

A star comes, we become a supernova.  Roi Bar Natan as Amit Segal b"Wonderful Country"

A star comes, we become a supernova. Roi Bar Natan as a staff member in “Amazing Land”

7. Alma Zak

Another one of the “generation of founders”, one who went through all the phases of the program – and adapted herself to each of them. From the imitation of “Maya Bombilla” (the time when celebs imitated without saying their explicit name), Liora “Pierre? I’m disappointed” Motoro, the devastating and unforgettable imitation of Tzipi Shavit – and imitations that survived longer, such as Yonit Levy or even Sara Netanyahu . Pierre? We are satisfied.

.  Alma Zeke as Sarah Netanyahu b"Wonderful Country"

. Alma Zeke as Sarah Netanyahu in “Amazing Country”

6. Eyal Kitzis

On the face of it, a character that did not stand out very much – he greatly underestimated the imitations (although the imitation of Yonatan Gefen is hard to forget), but it is difficult to impossible to imagine “Wonderful Land” without him. The central axis of the show, its undisputed presenter and when he wasn’t there, you felt his absence very well. Another story of a “Cinderella” rise, of a comedian who started as a stand-up artist, went through a TV show so strange that only in the early days of Channel 2 it could have become a national hit and ended up as someone who is considered almost a full-fledged news presenter. When he stood with Yonit Levy in the promos for the election broadcasters, you felt that he could easily jump to the position of newsman – and the gap would not be felt.

5. Mariano Idelman

Part of the fundamental core of “Eretz”, and especially the one whose fate was tied to the figure he imitated from the beginning – one, Binyamin Netanyahu. And whoever imitates Bibi, when out of the 20 years of the program, in 12 he was prime minister, cannot help but finish high in the ranking. Mariano also managed to go through all the phases that Netanyahu himself went through – a kind of “panicker”, to one that is really scary (if you want, from the image of the “sweating” to the one who sings “I did, I did, I did”). Along the way, he also imitated Amir Peretz (and the megaphone), Shaul Mofaz (the man-man), Azzam Azzam, Yair Lapid in his early years – and my personal favorite, Diego Maradona, probably in the funniest moment in “Great Country” history.

4. Eran Zahrovich

Now that’s a true Cinderella story. The one who started as a writer in “Eretz”, and became one of the stars of the show over the years. A great impersonator and a truly funny man, who carved his way from the radio programs together with Sharon Teicher (on Tel Aviv radio and the IDF airwaves), to the heart of prime time. From the mythological imitation to Razi Barkai (who came with him from the radio), Gila Almagor, Yoram Sheftel, Ehud Barak in the best version Most of all, and the future Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (who started with Tal Friedman, but underwent a tremendous improvement with Zarho). And let’s not forget two legendary original characters – Emcia from “The Parliament”, and of course Reuven from “Almost Shabbat Shalom”. Worthy of the place at the top.

.  Eran Zahrovich as Barko b"Wonderful Country"

. Eran Zarahovitch as Barko in “Wonderful Country”

3. Eli Finish

The great master of imitations. From the first moment, responsible for several winning figures in the history of “Aretz” – from President Moshe Katsav (in the days when he was just a fool), Uzi Cohen, Rafi Ginat, Fouad Ben Eliezer, Dan Halutz (in a character that demonstrated his flaws, even during that bloody war in Lebanon) And even Zofi Avdia, Danny’s father from the NBA. One of the characters most identified with “Eretz” throughout the years, and the one who the program made him personally a star – beyond the comedic and satirical matters.

The master of imitations.  Eli Finish as Barack Obama b"Wonderful Country"

The master of imitations. Eli Finish as Barack Obama in “Wonderland”

2. Esi Cohen

It is impossible to imagine the history of “Wonderland” without him. At first as a mere guest (who doesn’t remember the character of the soothsayer Marcus Abutbol), and then as one who became one of the most prominent actors in “Eretz”, and then also one of the biggest actors in Israel in general. His most recognizable political imitation was, of course, Avigdor Lieberman (including the unforgettable skit on the night of the 2009 elections), but his true comedic ability was expressed by the original characters – Eddie Kopel, Chai Tortel, Shimi “Bhaiyat Shimi” Hershkowitz from the Filos, and of course perhaps – the greatest character, who was also very successful in the “Parliament” spin-off, and goes on stage with him. Oh, and he was Dadi Dadon too. And Nineveh from “This is Sodom”. Those whose entire careers have been blessed with superstardom, and in “Eretz” got the perfect stage to flourish on.

1. Tal Friedman

Want a win? Here’s to victory. Someone who in the beginning was considered a type of marginal entertainer, one who was successful with “Elilat Tal and Moshe” or even attracted fans (like your faithful servant) in “Dreams of the Kitzis”, thanks to Eretz, became someone who plays in the league of the greats. Friedman’s unimaginable talent for being funny was allowed to break out, and amaze everyone with his abilities. Luba, Omleta, Hizky, Yanko, Rochwell, Hali Gonzalez – and that’s before we even talked about it, she has worn out no less than three prime ministers (Sharon, Olmert and Bennett), two more from the past (Golda Meir and Yitzhak Rabin), Donald Trump (in the form of the “comeback ” the great one”), Muhammad Abu Tir the Hamasnik and also Tommy Lapid or Bogi Ya’alon (in his unforgettable skit, in which he made the trip after the army). The story of “Wonderful Land” is largely the story of Tal Friedman – a series of comedians who found a way into the heart of the mainstream, who carved a long way from the stages and fringe programs, and became an iron sheep asset in Israeli culture. And there is no one more worthy than Friedman to illustrate this story. Good evening and peace to you – ladies and gentlemen, a transformation.

Still the most iconic look of the show.  Tal Friedman as Luba the cashier b"Wonderful Country"

Still the most iconic look of the show. Tal Friedman as Luba the cashier in “Wonderful Country”

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