“We realized the importance of our voice when we were silenced…”

by time news

2023-05-01 15:24:46

Domestic violence in Azerbaijan: problems and solutions…

Today’s sad scene…

The title of this article is from a speech by Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai. Why did I choose his words? I chose it because there is so much we can learn from this brave girl who, at a very young age, has become the voice of the world’s women with her courage… According to last year’s UN report titled “Gender-Based Killings of Women and Girls”, every hour in the world, on average, more than 5 women or the girl is killed by her own family member. The figures related to Azerbaijan are not encouraging at all. According to the press release from the State Statistics Committee, 1,475 or 5.8 percent of 25,449 victims of crimes recorded in 2022 were victims of domestic violence. 81.1 percent of them are women, and 0.7 percent are minors. Compared to 2021, the number of people who died as a result of such crimes increased by 6.3 percent to 68 (51 of them women). Do these facts represent the full picture? Mehriban Zeynalova, the chairman of the “Clean World” Women’s Aid Public Union, says that 71 women were killed in Azerbaijan in the 11th month of 2022: “34 of the women were their wives, six were their brothers, three were their sons, four were their fathers, three were their ex-husbands, and five were their lovers. , four were killed by a relative, one by her fiancé, and 11 by unknown person or persons.”
Lawyer Zibeyda Sadygova, who summarizes the facts about domestic violence in the media and shares them continuously on her Facebook page, also disagrees with the official figures: “I am not sure that these statistics reflect reality. Because victims of domestic violence are always hesitant to call the police or they don’t. Women do not apply because they are condemned in every case and because the police do not treat these complaints seriously. There are victims who don’t have the freedom to leave the house at all or can’t afford to go to the police station, etc. But who keeps these statistics?” In the lists shared by the lawyer, the most tragic number of recent months coincides with the month of February. During 19 days of February this year, 9 women were murdered:

  • 02 February – Baku – Gunay Shadatova – 14 years old – stabbed by her mother’s friend;
  • February 04 – Shamkir- Ganira Sharifova (she has 2 children)-28 years old- stabbed by her brother;
  • February 6- Jalilabad-Aysel Abbasova-31 years old- stabbed by her ex-husband;
  • February 10 – Baku city – Solmaz Mansurova – 46 years old – stabbed by her son;
  • February 11 – Baku, Bina settlement – Pakiza Mammadova – 55 years old – stabbed by her husband;
  • February 16 – Yevlakh district – Bashkhanim Salmanova – 20 years old – with a firearm;
  • February 19 – Gulnar Mammadova – Tartar district – 42 years old – by her husband with a cutting tool;
  • February 19- Mehriban Huseynzade- Absheron district- 49 years old- stabbed by his son;
  • February 19 – Samira Mammadzade – Sumgayit city – 28 years old – by her husband with a cutting tool;
    Between January and March 8 alone, all 18 cases of domestic violence were related to women. A total of 13 women were killed during this period.
    According to official information, in 2022, the State Committee on Family, Women and Children’s Problems (AQUPDK) received 544 applications related to domestic violence. Most of the complaints are related to psychological abuse. 470 of the perpetrators of violence are men and 79 are women. In addition, in 2022, at least 10 men who were stabbed by their wives were reported in the media. Zibeyda Sadygova says: “Men are subjected to psychological violence in most cases. In our country, such an idea has been formed that a man should keep the house, buy a house and a car, support the house, etc. Placing this burden on men shows that they are also under psychological pressure. Also, such an idea has been formed that women do not work. Her place is to look after the kitchen and children, etc. If both thoughts disappear, I think life will be easy.”
    According to statistics, among domestic violence, violence against children comes second after violence against women. According to the statement of AQUPDK chairman Bahar Muradova, 81 children were subjected to violence in ten months of 2022. On the other hand, Chairman of Azerbaijan Children’s Union Kamala Aghazade states that every year they face the problem of 250-270 children subjected to violence on average.
  • What is at the root of the problem?
  • But what are the root causes of these problems that concern everyone?
    According to experts, the reasons include psychological tension in society, lack of education, lack of education, family members, especially women, not knowing their rights, drug addiction, financial impoverishment in the family affecting relationships, outdated family traditions, early marriages, and childhood traumas. WHO representative Hans Klugen says that in general, “the reasons for the increase in violence include the loss of jobs, increased alcohol use, stress, fear and anxiety.” As a result of the tense relationship between adults, the angry attitude of parents towards their children and pressure also open deep wounds. “While exercising parental rights, children’s moral development, physical and mental health should not be harmed” (lawyer Shamil Pashayev).
    Although psychologist Ramil Najafli admits the facts about violence against women, he says that men also suffer from this problem in the country: “If a man uses force in violence, women also apply moral and psychological oppression. In recent years, the psychological-social and economic violence suffered by men has greatly increased. This is also related to the increase in the role and social weight of women in society… The root of violence is mainly not accepting each other, not understanding each other, not making compromises. As long as there is love, value, and trust in the relationship, neither gender uses its power against the opposite party. It shows understanding and endures.”
    Currently, there are 3 shelters owned by government bodies and 5 non-governmental based shelters in the country, which is very few. Both NGO representatives and government officials acknowledge the shelter problem and say that it is important to increase the number of such shelters in the future. They also accept that it is important to have such shelters and specialized organizations in the regions to provide quick assistance to the victims.
    Without a doubt, a protective order is the first thing that comes to mind as an important tool in crime prevention. In 2022, the number of protection warrants issued in our country is 158, of which 146 were short-term and 12 were long-term.
    Zibeyda Sadygova says: “Protection warrant institute is a very attractive institute and is active in foreign countries. But we do not understand the essence of this institution. Due to the strong education of the last two years, some executive authorities already understand this, but still do not apply it correctly. The problem is that the protection warrant was issued to the Executive Authority, which works from 9:00 to 18:00 and is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Let’s say that the woman was subjected to psychological violence on Saturday, what should she do? Wait for the institution to work and then apply? A protection order must be issued immediately. However, the institution extends this work for one month. The Executive Department also does not work on Saturdays and Sundays. They don’t even know what a protection order is. You complain, they don’t record it. The only way out is that this institute should be handed over to the police or a 24/7 agency, and its implementation should be entrusted to that agency.”
  • Actions taken, problems waiting to be solved
  • What measures are being taken in the country to combat this problem and what measures should be taken? According to state officials, a lot of work has been done in recent years within the framework of the requirements of the “Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence” (2010). In 2020, the National Action Plan “for the fight against domestic violence in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2020-2023” was approved. AQUPDK worked together with other relevant state bodies, many measures were implemented in cooperation with local organizations of the UN and the European Union. But looking at the results, it seems that these measures are not enough and do not give the expected result. Zahid Oruj, the chairman of the Social Research Center, also admits this in his interview with the BBC. He says that “during the survey he conducted on how the hotlines established for the protection of family relationships work, it became clear that most families do not know about it, and most of those who are informed do not know what next step to take… the lack of proper communication plays a negative role in communicating the measures taken in this area to the society. .” It seems that measures to strengthen awareness among families should be held continuously, coordination work should be properly established, NGOs operating in this field should be provided with necessary support, and they should be more actively involved in these activities. In order to increase the efficiency of awareness-raising work, it would be useful to involve television stations in these works, make short films, videos, and conduct campaigns on social networks.
    “Of course, state institutions are working. The work is going on, but it’s slow, or it doesn’t have an effect, or we don’t see the result. The main tasks to be carried out include continuous educational programs and advertisements on television, changes in legislation, the formation of separate places for receiving psychological support for both women and men, the increase of women’s shelters, the involvement of female police officers, the involvement of women in courts and prosecutor’s offices, the victims of domestic violence allocating temporary social assistance, providing employment after receiving psychological support and feeling ready, solving the problem of alimony, providing the victim’s children with immediate psychological support and kindergarten, etc. can be attributed”(Z. Sadygova).
    In addition, lawyer Shamil Pashayev says in his article that certain additions or changes can be made to the legislation. In his opinion, it would be appropriate to add the paragraph “commitment of a criminal incident related to domestic violence” to Article 61 of the Criminal Code (Cases that aggravate the punishment). It also states that articles 120, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 133, 134 and others, which include domestic violence in aggravating cases, the clause “commitment related to domestic violence or violation of family members and cohabitation rules” may be added.
    Z. Sadygova concludes the topic by saying: “The main problem is thinking. There must be political will to solve this. In other words, the Government, civil society, and the people should unite and solve this problem. There will always be news of violence, there is news all over the world. But we must try to reduce the number of these reports and punish everyone who commits a crime. Impunity gives comfort to the other side and as a result crime increases. You can’t say, “They don’t beat me, I shouldn’t raise my voice when I see a woman being beaten.” They don’t beat us, that’s why we have to raise our voice to be the voice of women who are beaten behind closed doors. Let’s be the voice of children crying in fear under the table. Let’s prevent the next traumatized people from coming to society.” I also emphasize the words of Mrs. Zibeyda that no one should be silent about this important problem of the country! In the words of Malala: “When the whole world is silent, even one voice is powerful!”

Saadat Jahangir

The article is submitted to the contest within the framework of the project “Combating Domestic Violence in Azerbaijan” implemented by “Solidarity Among Women” Public Union with the support of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

#realized #importance #voice #silenced..

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