We sail again

by time news

2023-11-05 19:52:15

After a long navigation of 15 years and 7 months without interruption, it was time to enter the dock since the ship was somewhat worn out from so many hours of navigation, some of which were more pleasant, but we also had to weather large and strong storms, even reaching sail in rough seas.

But once at the dock we discovered that the boat, although somewhat worn out, was seaworthy again; however, it had to be subjected to a thorough “refit” to leave it in perfect condition.

And in this month of October I announce with joy that we once again cast off and resume navigation where we left off, let’s hope that the Virgin of Carmen protects us and in most of the voyages we have good winds.

There have been many vicissitudes that occurred during the stranding, elements were missing to undertake it (the telephone stopped ringing from the first day of stranding), too many “fakes” about the restoration process, but although it was difficult to find the reasons, they soon disappeared and were They cleared up the unknowns and suddenly some suppliers began to call and offer us their products and thanks to them the work was completed, which has once again put us on the right course and we began a new journey.

Due to the imperative need to strand, we could not reach several ports where we had announced stopovers, now in this new navigation, we will little by little return to said stopovers to address the issues that we had announced, but always with the profile of the seasoned navigator who knows how to choose. the good role from the bad and always navigating the one that provides you with the best navigation.

Today we have cast off and we are already sailing, and the first task once the pilot is in place is to thank my bosuns Pedro and Álvaro for their wise and accurate opinions on the “refit” process; without them it would have been impossible.

I have been in boating for more than 50 years and it had never happened to me that my “friends” had disappeared like they did while they were caulking me. Now I leave the shipyard as if I had been born again. I have even put on some foils to keep up with contemporary times and I want to dedicate myself to writing about real sailing, the one I like, that is, oceanic and adventure sailing, which is so abandoned in this country.

I beg those who were once my “friends” and have forgotten my phone number, don’t bother dialing it because now the one who won’t be there will be me.

I’m going to count the Transat, the Vendée and everything that floats through those oceans of God. And from time to time I will dive through the cruise regattas in Spain, but only those that are worth it.


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