We showed that foreign dependency is not destiny

by time news

2023-04-29 11:00:00

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is visiting TEKNOFEST at Atatürk Airport. President Erdoğan is accompanied by President of Azerbaijan Aliyev.

Here are the headlines from President Erdogan’s statements at TEKNOFEST:

I greet you with my most heartfelt feelings, with longing and affection. Mashallah, TEKNOFEST is another beautiful one this year. I send my greetings to all young hearts. I greet all my young brothers with love from here. Special thanks to Aliyev for his participation. Likewise, I would like to thank the Prime Minister of Libya. Thanks to TEKNOFEST, it has become a brand in its field. Last year, we had the joy of TEKNOFEST in Baku. I wish TEKNOFEST, where concrete examples of our national technology move are exhibited, to be beneficial.

I would like to thank all the partner institutions. The number of teams applying is increasing exponentially every year. We started in 2018 with 4 thousand 33 applications. The process, which started with a total award of 4 million liras, reached 44 million liras.

I congratulate our T3 foundation and Baykar company that came to the aid of our nation after the 6 February earthquakes. I congratulate you again for your sacrifices. I also thank my brother for inspiration. The people of Azerbaijan have shown what friendship and brotherhood means. The source of happiness for a politician is seeing with his own eyes that his efforts are not in vain. We spent a lot of effort to build a technology ecosystem in Turkey.

There are Vecihi Hürkuşlar here whose dreams are unfinished. There are engineers and entrepreneurs here who study, research, and whose heart beats for their country and country. Here, there are Özdemir Bayraktarları, my dear beloved father, who passed away. And I have his heirs, aunt Canan.

We have broken the shackles of backwardness in Turkey. We have given our young people the self-confidence that I can do it too. I hope you will build the Turkish Century. Remember, young people, we are now guests of your time. You will make the dream of full independence come true.

Here, I see young people who will win new Nobels for Turkey by following Aziz Sancar’s footsteps.

You have seen the developments we have experienced in the last months. Red Apple takes off, Togg is on sale. Akıncı is here, our ship TCG Anadolu has been delivered to the Navy. He will spend the last week in Izmir, it is very meaningful, you know what I mean. Nearly 100 thousand of our citizens visited. There are those who cannot digest Black Sea natural gas. You know who can’t digest it. Work a little so you can have it too. Our IMECE satellite was sent to space. Hürjet and ATAK2 flew. TEKNOFEST is the symbol of all these. This is starting to bother someone. The booming TEKNOFEST youth has become a nightmare for some circles in our country.


With the scandalous statements they have made recently, they reveal the grudge and hatred they have grown in their bellies. Someone is coming and talking about donating to a US company. Whatever they do is useless. The coalition table increased, first they said 6, then it became 7, then 9. We’ve seen a lot of these coalitions in the past.

Kılıçdaroğlu has committed to give this airport, where our technology systems are exhibited, to a US company. Its name is buffalo. Mr. Mr. Kemal, those people you talked to talked to us. Investing in Turkey takes heart.


President Erdoğan attended the 24-classroom Heydar Aliyev Primary School Groundbreaking Ceremony in Kahramanmaraş from Atatürk Airport with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev via live link. President Erdoğan said, “Mr. İlham has never left us alone in the Pazarcık-centered earthquake from the very beginning. From the first moment, the search and rescue teams were with us.

Last minute... Toggla arrived with İlham Aliyev President Erdoğan at TEKNOFEST: We showed that foreign dependency is not destiny

Inspiration brother promised a thousand permanent residences in Kahramanmaraş. We pour the foundation concrete. It’s not like somebody’s foundation concrete, you know what I mean. My inspirational friend also says that it should be finished in a year. Good luck,” he said.

Last minute... Toggla arrived with İlham Aliyev President Erdoğan at TEKNOFEST: We showed that foreign dependency is not destiny

(Azerbaijan President Aliyev, President Erdogan and Libyan Prime Minister Dibeybe posed together for TEKNOFEST.)

Last minute... Toggla arrived with İlham Aliyev President Erdoğan at TEKNOFEST: We showed that foreign dependency is not destiny

(President Erdogan is accompanied by President Aliyev of Azerbaijan. President Erdogan and Aliyev came to TEKNOFEST with Togg.)


The headlines from Ilham Aliyev’s speech are as follows;

Türkiye and Azerbaijan are friendly and brotherly countries. At the same time, Türkiye and Azerbaijan officially became allies with the Shusha declaration 2 years ago. Türkiye, its President, the brotherly Turkish people have always been on our side. Türkiye and Azerbaijan are always in the same place

Türkiye has come a long way in the last 20 years. Türkiye has a voice in the world. Under the leadership of Mr. President, Turkey has become the guarantor of peace, stability and security in the region. President Erdogan has historical services in the unification of the Turkish world.

Türkiye is the energy, transport and political center of Eurasia. Turkey’s strong stance strengthens both Türkiye and its allies. Turkey’s defense industry is accepted by the whole world today. It strengthens both Turkey and us and will ensure Turkey’s security from now on.

Last minute... Toggla arrived with İlham Aliyev President Erdoğan at TEKNOFEST: We showed that foreign dependency is not destiny

I hope that the Red Apple will be in the skies of Azerbaijan in the near future. Red Apple is in the sky, TGC Anadolu is in the sea, TOGG is on the road. This is Türkiye today. Türkiye and Azerbaijan are one nation, two states. We are proof of that today. BAYRAKTAR center will be established in Azerbaijan soon.


Making a statement at TEKNOFEST, Libyan Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dibeybe said in his statement, “My dear brother President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey, I would like you to continue your health and well-being at the beginning of my words. The fact that I am attending this event today emphasizes the deep-rooted unity of the Turkish people and the Libyan people. “Turkey is an outstanding example of a successful state today. We see a model of Turkey that serves its nation. Today, we see that Turkey, with its wise ruler, stands firm and upright against all challenges. One of the examples of this is how quickly wounds healed immediately after the earthquake in my hand.” May Almighty Allah continue our unity and solidarity,” he said.

Last minute... Toggla arrived with İlham Aliyev President Erdoğan at TEKNOFEST: We showed that foreign dependency is not destiny

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