“We support the Ukrainian people in the ongoing suffering they are going through”

by time news

An extraordinary support event for Israel was held in London this week, by the Conservative Party in Great Britain, the support event for Israel is the largest political event of the year in Great Britain with the presence of over 800 people. The entire British cabinet, and over 200 Lords took part in the event. Along with all the dignitaries of the Jewish community in Britain.

Among the dignitaries who took part in the event were the chief rabbi of Ukraine, the rabbi Moshe Reuven Assman who was invited as a personal guest of the former Civil Society Minister Mr. Brooks Newmark, and the Honorary President of the CFI, Lord Stuart Polk. Prime Minister Rishi Sonk, Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Former Prime Minister Liz Truss, Former Prime Minister Theresa May, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain Rabbi Ephraim Mirvisthe ambassadors of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Israel and Morocco in the UK.

Although the event focused on support for the State of Israel, Lord Polk dedicated words at the beginning of his speech to the Honorable Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, and told the many present about the many actions that Rabbi Assman has been taking every day since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, in order to evacuate Jews from the country, and to take care of the safety, well-being and security of the Jews as well as those who are not who remained in the heart of hell.

Rabbi Esman sat throughout the event by the side of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who, despite leaving the leadership of the Conservative Party, was one of the stars of the prestigious event. The chief rabbi thanked Boris Johnson with warm words and congratulated him for his firm stance on Ukraine’s side since the beginning of the war, “The Ukrainian people will always remember that you were one of the first leaders to visit Ukraine in the middle of the war, several times, and from the beginning of the war, you voiced a clear voice against Russian aggression in Ukraine, And the great help you gave to the suffering Ukrainian people.”

Former Prime Minister Johnson thanked the chief rabbi for his kind words and told the rabbi that he always stands by Ukraine, “As part of our lesson from past events, we should always be on the right side of history, we must never remain silent in the face of the atrocities and war crimes being committed in Ukraine.” Rabbi Esman also thanked Johnson for his war against anti-Semitism in Britain and his uncompromising support for the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

Rabbi Moshe Reuven Assman, who made a quick visit to London on the occasion of the event, was invited to a meeting with his fellow Rabbi to Britain, Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, during which they discussed halachic questions that arose as a result of the fighting and ways to help the Jewish community remaining in the country.

“It is a great pleasure and honor for me to meet you, the chief rabbi of Ukraine, I have heard a lot about your community and the extensive activities you maintain in Ukraine, we are in the tragic war the British people with you all the way, we support the Ukrainian people in the ongoing suffering they are going through, I want to bless you God be With your help and with the help of the Jewish community in Ukraine, may God help Ukraine.” Rabbi Mirvis said to the Rabbi of Ukraine.

Rabbi Assman, for his part, thanked the rabbi of Great Britain for his uncompromising support in Ukraine, “On behalf of the Ukrainian people, the government in Ukraine and the Jewish community, I thank you and the British government and the people in Great Britain, you are good friends of Ukraine, what you do for us together with your community, you sent us clothing Warmth, generators and everything we need there now, you really save lives, may God bless you.”

Hours before he returned to his congregation in Ukraine, the chief rabbi also met with Israel’s ambassador to the UK, Mrs. Tzipi Hotobly, who told Rabbi Assman that she closely follows the extensive activities that the rabbi carries out in the country and abroad for the sake of the Jews of Ukraine, and promised to help as much as she can.

After the short trip in London, the rabbi continued on a flight to Moldova and from there on a ten-hour drive by car to the capital Kyiv, and returned to be with the members of the Jewish community, as he did throughout the war, never leaving his flock even in the most difficult times.

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