“We will not meet again with Erasmia Manou”

by time news

Vassilis Dimakis spoke about his separation with Erasmia Manou, a few months after the cohabitation agreement they signed in prison.

In particular, Vassilis Dimakis referred to the reasons why his relationship with Sofia Vossou’s daughter did not progress.

“I made a post which is related to accessories. In other words, on Tuesday I have arranged with Mr. Antoniou, the notary public, to come to the store, so that we can dissolve the cohabitation agreement, which we had concluded at the time,” he said on the “Breakfast” show.

“She is a woman I will continue to love”
Afterwards, Erasmia’s former partner Manou added: “Everyone has dreams, but the point is that they are reasons that none of us can overcome. At least from my side for sure and they don’t allow us to be together anymore for any reason. She is a woman I love, who I loved and will continue to love. Like every woman I’ve told her I love her, because when you say “I love you”, it means you love her. He is a man I adore, appreciate, respect. The best for all of us is that for us and for other third parties, maybe…».

“There’s no way we’re getting back together”
As for the possibility of them finding each other again, Vassilis Dimakis was firm, saying: “No, separation is not temporary, weather phenomena are temporary. When something is decided, it is decided. There is no such case, not one in a trillion, for any reason.”

As for when they decided to separate, Vassilis Dimakis said: “New Year’s Eve and beyond. There was no problem, not even a bubble. The only bubbles that there were, were those of us traveling together and dreaming a thousand and two things. But there is also the God Zeus who throws lightning bolts, now at some point it will be revealed who the God Zeus is. It does not concern a third person, i.e. a partner, one of mine or a new partner of hers. I’m just telling you, they’re reasons that can’t be overcome for any reason. I’m fine with it because it’s common consent. All this bullying we ate, sometimes from the channels and from the outside world, with their mean comments and so on and so forth… Which I personally never paid attention to. Let them say what they want, I will not define my life based on what others say. They have no power over me, no one at all.”

What did Andreas Mikroutsikos say earlier when he spoke with Erasmia Manou
A little while ago, The Andreas Mikroutsikos commented on Erasmia Manou’s breakup with Vassilis Dimakis and revealed on the “air” of the show “Super Katerina” that he has come into contact with her daughter Sophia Vossou. He emphasized that Erasmia Manou asked him not to refer negatively to her ex-husband.

However, Andreas Mikroutsikos expressed his personal opinion about Vassilis Dimakis who is still in prison and said that he considers him a manipulative person.

“Erasmia herself took me. Erasmia asked me if I spoke not to slander her good man at all. I wouldn’t because I haven’t laid my hands on the type of wires. I intended to meet Dimakis to see what kind of guy he is” said the presenter on “Super Katerina”.

Andreas Mikroutsikos then added: “There are a few things that bother me. Putting it in a kind of verse with little hints shows me a manipulative person on her birthday. Why on this day? A breakup is beyond these, it’s like getting hurt. He’s a smart kid, I think he works manipulatively, but he’s outside of Erasmia’s point of view.”

The presenter also referred to the meeting he had with Erasmia Manou at Christmas.

“I made her promise not to disturb him. It is my personal opinion, it is not a view of the facts. I met Erasmia at Christmas and I “interviewed” her for an hour to find out details, how she met him, how she fell in love with him, how this thing can be brought up when one is in prison.

Are visits enough to nurture a marriage relationship? I honestly said no. Vassilis and Erasmia are not simple cases, everyone has their own weight. And that their relationship will be judged when he is released.

The alector spoke too soon. What causes are there? I talked to Sofia, she gave me an analysis, but these are personal things. I saw a manipulation,” he described.

As for Sofia Vossou, she avoided mentioning the issue when the camera of the same show approached her at her daughter’s birthday and tried to extract statements from her.

Their separation
The couple signed the pact in May 2023, inside Korydallos prisons, but decided to eventually go their separate ways. The news was announced by Vassilis Dimakis with a post on social media. However, she did not reveal the reasons behind their breakup.

All this time, the couple had managed, despite the critical comments, to keep their relationship, despite the difficult conditions, since Vassilis Dimakis has been held in Korydallos prisons for the last few years.

In a post that Vassilis Dimakis made on his personal Facebook account, he wrote: “On Tuesday 20/02/2024 in the afternoon, in a pre-arranged appointment booked today, I have called the notary Mr. Antoniou, so that we can proceed with the dissolution of the cohabitation agreement that we had entered into with Mrs. Erasmia Manou, my ex-partner!”.

Continue writing: “The reasons are strictly personal and concern the privacy of each one of us individually and are obviously not communicable and do not concern anyone at all. After all, our divorce is completely consensual and we think it’s the best for both of us at the moment! After all, the writer has decided in his life not to interfere with the natural flow of things! As I also know very well that sometimes “every obstacle for good”. I also wish, today, which is her birthday, that she will do her best, fight for what she loves, always be strong, creative and with free will!”

Source: First subject

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