“We will not run out of gas this winter,” says the director of Engie

by time news

While the government continues to call for energy sobriety, private consumption has already fallen by around 4 to 5%, says Catherine MacGregor.

As the question of France’s energy supply arises more and more with the approach of winter, Catherine MacGregor, general manager of Engie, was reassuring on Friday. “We are relatively calm about the gas situation in France. We won’t run out of gas this winter“, she said on RTL, while specifying that the European energy system is still under tension and that we must be careful.

This message of energy sobriety aimed at households and businesses has been hammered home by the government for several weeks, with the aim of reducing energy consumption by 10% by 2024. A speech that seems to be starting to bear fruit. “Everyone has a role to play. Today, on gas, consumption has fallen by around 4 to 5% on the private side, without even implementing measures. Every gesture counts“claims the boss of Engie. According to her, lowering the heating by one degree would reduce energy consumption by around 7%.

Companies already affected

On the industrial side, a drop in demand has also been observed, but for different reasons. “ Manufacturers are more careful but we are starting to have companies that are affected and are closing their means of production. This is not good news for jobs, for the economyrecognizes Catherine MacGregor. For example, Duralex, the famous glass manufacturer, has just put the only oven in its only factory, in the Loiret, on standby.

To support companies that consume a lot of gas and electricity for their activity, the support fund which was initially to stop at the end of August has been extended until the end of December. The criteria for accessing this envelope of three billion euros, intended to help companies struggling to meet their energy bills in a context of high inflation, will also be “simplified» et «lightened“, according to Bruno Le Maire.

The President of the Republic will precisely hold, this Friday, a defense council at the Elysée Palace on the supply of gas and electricity, with a view to next winter.

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