“We won’t see offshore wind farms operating until the end of the decade”

by time news

MadridOn Tuesday, the Council of Ministers will approve the map that will establish the areas where offshore wind farms can be built on the coasts of the State. In Catalonia there is only one area of ​​interest: it goes from the Gulf of Roses to Cap de Creus, where up to six projects have already been presented to build floating wind turbines. Joan Groizard is the key person in Minister Teresa Ribera’s team in this field.

What is the Maritime Space Management Plan that is approved on Tuesday?

— It is the planning of the different uses in the maritime space and their compatibility. It affects all the maritime demarcations of the Spanish coast. It identifies environmentally protected areas, maritime traffic areas and those that can be dedicated to offshore wind energy. It is relatively small: 0.8% of Spain’s maritime surface.

Which areas have been identified to produce offshore wind energy?

— Where more wind regimes converge, more constant and higher, and with shallower sea depth. If we go too far it is unfeasible to build any infrastructure. And within these conditions, spaces that had to be protected due to environmental issues or because they are areas of high ship traffic have been eliminated. There are spaces in almost all demarcations: in front of the Catalan coast, in the Canary Islands, in the Atlantic in front of Galicia, Cantabria and Asturias, and also in Menorca. In total, 19 of what we call polygons.

Has the Generalitat presented allegations?

— Yes, it has been a very participatory process. There have been meetings with the communities and sectors involved. The Generalitat has made allegations, all in a very similar vein of considering that it is necessary to develop marine wind power, but finding compatibility and doing it in the best possible places.

What characteristics will the Costa Brava park have?

— The surface is 249.99 square kilometers. The size of the area gives an idea of ​​how much space the projects can take up, but it doesn’t mean that it has to be taken up entirely. In other countries we see how wide enough areas are defined and then a small part is used. What is more appropriate, to compact the park more and that there is an area that takes up less but boats cannot pass there due to the proximity of the wind turbines to each other or does it make more sense to separate the lines? In the Catalan case, some progress has been made because although there is currently no regulatory framework, the promoters have presented the projects in the territory, trying to find the concerns of social and economic agents and it is already generating a healthy debate. In some cases, however, it has generated a certain anxiety because it has given the impression that the park wanted to be installed immediately.

Is there any idea which model might be better in the Catalan case?

— This is subjective, because different actors will have different opinions. Technically, the larger the wind turbines, the fewer there are, the more efficient they are and the less visual impact they cause. But if you build them far away, maintenance is more expensive. For technicians there is an optimal model, but it does not necessarily have to coincide with what the tourism sector or the fishery wants. That is why it is positive to have the debate.

Will the ministry ensure that the process is participatory?

— The tender criteria will be open to debate, but we must ensure that they are as objective as possible so that the award does not depend on political decisions. We need to find indicators that are easy to apply. In other places we have seen projects with citizen participation in financing or that offer alternatives; for example, in the fishing sector during the seasons of less activity. In Catalonia, in wind and photovoltaic energy on land we have seen promoters interested in accommodating local investors, but we are finding that there is no match with the demand of the people. There is a lack of people who want to participate.

Could compensation be established for consumers?

— It is done on land and could be done in marine wind power. Offers on the electricity bill or invest so that homes have self-consumption. What it should not become, however, is a purchase of wills. Compensation is part of the debate but there must be clear criteria.

Brussels said to speed up the procedures on the environmental impact. Is it a risk?

— We have proposed an expedited evaluation system only under certain conditions and, in any case, the maritime sector is excluded.

Can you estimate when we will have the first offshore wind farm and how many there will be in the State?

— We will not see the first commercial parks in operation until the end of this decade. The road map estimates between 1 and 3 gigawatts of power in the State, and this can be achieved with few large projects or more small ones. At such an early stage, it would be unwise to define a specific number.

Can a change of government truncate these plans?

— Energy transition projects are medium and long-term and require stability. I want to believe that no one will propose a radical change of course. If there was a right-wing government, I would have a hard time understanding why it would be so short-sighted to put at risk the energy transition, which also generates economic activity.

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