Weapons to curb insecurity?

by time news

Currently, Ecuador is experiencing a crisis of violence, which is why, since last year, urgent reforms have been worked on regarding the issue of security and within these there is a debate on the carrying of weapons, suggesting that these instruments could be used to certain protection activities where the National Police is not present, however, several experts also reflect on this situation, since granting civil society the freedom to possess a weapon could mean a big mistake, since we would face the possibility that crime is not combated, but that more acts of violence are generated. Given this, the question arises: Weapons to curb insecurity?

Namely. “The carrying of weapons at the national level is prohibited, what is authorized for now is the possession of weapons, so when a person obtains or obtains a weapon legally, that is, with invoices or traceability documents of the weapon, proceed to approach the offices of the center, where the requirements that must be presented are established. A ballistic test is carried out and later it is requested that they go to the Criminalistics department of the National Police and obtain the certificate of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System or better known as AFIS” explained Luis Villarroel, military coordinator of the Arms Control Center. Chimborazo.

Information. This procedure takes a maximum of one month and an inspection is carried out of the space in which the applicants for the procedure will have the weapon. “In addition, another of the requirements that must be presented is also a psychological certificate,” said Villarroel, but is it convenient to use weapons to curb insecurity?

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