Weather | A strong wind hit the Czech Republic: fallen trees and problems in transport

by time news

For example, a wind speed of 97 km/h was measured in South Moravia – Kuchařovice, Prague-Karlov 82 km/h, Kocelovice 93 km/h, Přibyslav 86 km/h. Strong and very strong winds will weaken only during the afternoon from the west. In combination with snowfall, snow tongues are formed from higher altitudes. From 5 to 15 cm of snow will fall on the mountains, snow cover may also temporarily form in the lowlands. The snow will stop during the afternoon as well, and the clouds will break through to almost clear skies.

It got significantly colder – at 7 o’clock the temperature ranges from -2.5 °C in Karlovy Vary to 2.5 °C in Holešov. Occasionally, ice may form. After the passage of a significant cold front, cold air flows here, which usually does not allow the afternoon temperatures to exceed 5 °C. Sunday morning will be frosty throughout the area – temperatures will range from -3 to -7 °C. Sunday’s maximum will stop at 7 °C and it will snow from about 400 m above sea level.

Complications in traffic and a distant billboard

In the South Bohemian region, train operations were interrupted in several sections this morning due to the wind. The trees fell into the railway tracks between Ražice and Tábor and between Tábor and Horní Cerekvá in Vysočín. On the line from České Budějovice to Austria, the Rybník – Horní Dvořiště section is closed due to a fault in the traction line.

Strong wind and snow make traveling in the Highlands difficult today. Firefighters had over 30 trips since midnight, most often clearing trees and branches from roadways. They had the most hits in Jihlavsk. No one was injured.

The roads in the north of Bohemia are passable with caution. It is snowing and blowing hard. For trucks over 3.5 tons, the first class road 10 from Tanvald to Harrachov and on to Poland has been closed at Jabloneck since midnight. Road officials expect truck restrictions to last throughout the day until midnight.

Motorists should also be careful when traveling in the Ústí Region. In the morning, one truck crashed on D8, road 223 in the villages of Výsluní and Kryštofovy Hamry in Chomutovska was temporarily closed due to freshly fallen snow. In the Ore Mountains and on Teplice, snow tongues formed in places. Firefighters in Ústěk had 17 interventions overnight due to fallen trees.

Snow and wind whipped the Czech Republic: The creation of tongues of snow in the Třebíč region (March 11, 2023)

Firefighters in the South Moravian Region had 25 calls during the night in connection with strong winds. They intervened most often in Brno, Jaroslav Mikoška, ​​the spokesman for the South Moravian fire department, said on Twitter. Firefighters mostly dealt with fallen trees, but they also went out to shelters blown away by the wind or fallen billboards.

“Due to the strong wind, we have intervened in about ten cases so far. We mainly removed fallen trees from the roads. A car crashed into a broken part of a tree in Solnica, no one was injured. In Hradec Králové, firefighters secured fence panels with advertising that encroached on the I/35 road. reported around 08:00 on the website of the fire department of the Hradec Králové region.

21 injured and an overturned bus

The worst situation is in the Pardubice region. “A serious traffic accident happened on road No. 43 between Březová nad Svitavou and Brněnec. The bus ended up in a ditch here“, the firemen informed. In the accident, 21 people were injured, of which two passengers were moderately injured, the others were slightly injured.

“The driver, year 1996, is slightly injured. There was a strong crosswind at the time of the accident, it is likely that the weather played a role. However, the causes of the accident are under investigation.” said police spokeswoman Andrea Muzikantová.

Households without electricity

This morning, due to the wind, approximately 4,400 customers in the South Moravian and Zlín Regions and the Highlands are without electricity. The reason for the breakdowns are branches and trees falling on the power lines, said Lubomír Budný, spokesman for the energy company EG.D from the E.ON group, in a press release.

CEZ reports roughly 2,500 customers without electricity. The most disturbances are in the east of Bohemia and in the Moravian-Silesian region.

At noon the number of households in the Czech Republic without electricity decreased to 6,000.

It will still snow on Sunday, it will warm up on Monday

At heights above 400 m, it will also snow on Sunday, but the sky should initially be partly clear this time or with lower clouds. Cloudiness should gradually increase during the day. In the southwest of the territory, the snow will turn to rain in all locations. During the day it will be a maximum of 6 °C, rarely 8 °C, at night temperatures in the range of -1 to -5 °C can be expected. The wind will be moderate with a maximum speed of 6 m/s.

Monday will bring another temperature jump – in the minimum temperatures will not drop below freezing point, in the maximum it will be up to 15 °C.

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