Weather: big drop in temperatures to come and rain over almost the entire country, before a return of heat

by time news

2023-09-20 15:33:38

The weather will play yo-yo over the next few days. A fairly clear cooling will take place between Thursday and Saturday before the thermometer falls quite clearly above seasonal norms to return to summer values.

As shown in this map of The Weather Channel, the difference will be particularly marked between this Wednesday and Thursday. On an axis going from the southwest to the northeast of the country, it will be up to ten degrees cooler Thursday afternoon.

The cause of this sudden fall is to be found in the arrival of a cold front. It is the result of a major depression formed off the coast of Ireland and which aggregates the remains of two ancient hurricanes.

The rain is coming

The other consequence will also be the arrival of significant rain from the end of the day and the evening of this Wednesday. This map of Meteo France also shows that Thursday afternoon should be rainy over almost the entire country.

/Meteo France

The drop in temperatures will be felt until the weekend, with a low point on Saturday between 2C and 3° below seasonal averages. The national thermal indicator, i.e. the average temperature of around thirty weather stations representative of the country, should drop below 15°C.

These cards Weather cities allow us to visualize the situation until Saturday.


The situation will change significantly from Sunday with the thermometer expected to rise again. From the start of next week, the trend is towards a return to normal… summer temperatures. Values ​​will be close to 25°C in the north of the country and close to 30°C in certain regions of the south of France. This corresponds to temperatures around 5°C higher than seasonal norms.

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