Weather: snow-storms, then high pressure Azores. Economic damage warning

by time news

Weekend weather: last Saturday showers, including snow, then the high pressure advances decisively. Forecasts

At the level weather forecast, the weekend that has just begun will be characterized by two main elements: the first is the action of a cyclone that will cause a severe wave of bad weather on Saturday, the second is the arrival of high pressure from Azores. Mattia Gussoni, meteorologist of the site informs that in the next few hours a cyclonic vortex positioned on the Center of Italy it will move slowly towards Greece. Around its center the clouds charged with rain swing e snowfall which can also be presented in the form of storm on the central Apennines starting from 500 meters. Bad weather will hit the central Adriatic regions and those of the lower Tyrrhenian (Campania, Calabria and Sicily) with particular intensity. The winds will blow intensely with gusts of up to 100 km / h around Sardinia, the southern Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ionian Sea. To the North on the other hand, the high pressure of the Azores, the great absentee in recent weeks, will advance. It will be Sunday that theanticyclone will acquire more and more space on our country by chasing away the vortex that will cause the last rainfall on the middle and lower Adriatic and in the South. sole in a sky practically almost serene. Finally, the presence of high pressure will ensure good weather throughout the next week.


Saturday 11. In the north: many clouds al North East, sun elsewhere. In the center: bad weather on the Adriatic with copious snow at 700m, it gets better elsewhere. To the south: bad weather on the lower Tyrrhenian.

Sunday 12. Al North: sole prevalent. To the center: last instability on Abruzzo and Molise, sun elsewhere. To the South: unstable morning at times, then returns on sole. Strong winds from North.

Monday 13. Al North: sunny. Al center: Nice weather. To the South: cloudy sky.

From Tuesday high pressure stronger and stronger.

Bad weather, Coldiretti: autumn with 6 storms per day (+ 70%). Economic damage warning. Agriculture pays a hefty bill

Since the beginning ofAutumn there are almost 6 storms a day along the entire Peninsula including water bombs, hail storms, tornadoes and blizzards which resulted in deaths, injuries and damage. This is what emerges from the analysis of Coldiretti published on 1 December, based on data from the European Severe Weather Database (ESWD) referring to the new perturbation with sub-zero temperatures in several regions. The effects of the meteorological change With the’autumn 2021 which from a climatological point of view marks 517 extreme events with an increase of 70% compared to last year. It ends up – specifies Coldiretti – a completely anomalous year that brings up the budget of damages in the countryside to over 2 billion due to a hot winter, the ice in spring and one estate divided between African heat, Drought e violent thunderstorms which continued and hit cities and countryside. To pay a high bill in autumn – continues Coldiretti – is theagriculture with the final phase of the harvest and the olive harvest while in the land there are autumn vegetables and it is necessary to carry out the traditional ones semen hampered by bad weather. We are facing – concludes Coldiretti – the consequences of climate change also in Italy where the exceptional nature of atmospheric events is now the norm, with a tendency to tropicalization that manifests itself with a higher frequency of violent events, seasonal delays, short rainfall and intense and the rapid transition from sun to bad weather. L’agriculture is theeconomic activity which more than any other experiences the consequences of climate change on a daily basis, but it is also the sector most committed to combating them – concludes Coldiretti – it is a new challenge for agricultural enterprises which must interpret the news reported by climatology and the effects on crop cycles, water management and land safety.

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