Wedding at a Glance: These are the things we love so much about matchmaking programs

by time news

Today, friends, we’ll talk about love. The timing of course is not coincidental: today if you do not have an opinion on “wedding” (for those who have been in space much longer than recommended and from Stiba: reality show Rainbow 12, which is about pairings), it is better to be silent and not express yourself on any other issue – from security to sports. Even before we get into the content itself, a few words about the success of programs that aim to match two individual individuals.

Why do we love the genre so much? The answer could easily be “because we are all looking for love”, but love is the last thing in these programs: they have a match based on measurable parameters, they have whims that are not related to emotion – such as the desire to be famous in prime time and then get the most out of quarters Your hour of glory, A.A. Nir and Hagar.

The two, the protagonists of the previous-previous season and are exceptional in remaining in the relationship – reveal it whenever it pays them (their right). Here, just a few weeks ago, their “intimate” wedding was reviewed – and maybe if we are good we will also win a live broadcast from the first ultrasound. I am not underestimating God forbid a relationship laden with their academic degrees, but perhaps a bit in format, which has forced them to roll from season to season to show that it sometimes has greater successes than arranging a few weeks of sex (at best) for two advertising-hungry people.

So if all is nonsense, why do we stick to “wedding” and just ask for more and more? What is it about the voyeuristic invasion of such a forced, photographed and edited relationship that makes us regard this rustling cellophane as a legitimate filter for examining reality? The answer is that if one day a more successful and developed species of man emerges, researching the history of mankind as we study animals, he will discover that its most important invention was not the wheel but the couple.

A monogamy necessary for the creation of civilization: it is the cradle of culture and the most basic structure of human society. Above it is the family, above it the extended family and above it geographical, tribal, religious or national affiliation.

With your permission, I will open a small window here for a minor question that we will miss this time (and yet, an exemption for nothing is impossible): because intimacy is the foundation of any social structure, the expectation from us is to expand it as much as possible. The womb (not in vain the commandment of increased natural reproduction is one of the strongest that is common to all religions) and so on.

While in every other area of ​​our lives religion goes against the material and teaches us to be content with little, it is precisely here that we are required to exaggerate. On the other hand, there is nothing else that crushes the earth more than high natural reproduction: it pollutes the air, depletes natural resources, causes wars over territory and more. I want to say: there is a good chance that the fruits of the relationship – which has created humanity as we know it – are the ones that will also consume it.

After closing the small philosophy window, let’s go back to the big screen in the living room, where we are facing another episode of “Wedding”. What was said? Our longing for a relationship is an inexhaustible cushion for human suffering and mental anguish that produces great ratings. As long as it is only sex, it is still possible to understand – it is a basic instinct, but why in an age where a permanent relationship is no longer essential for the purposes of casual sex, we still long for it?

The amazing answer is social willfulness. The human sanctions imposed on those who have chosen not to be a part of something greater than it are terrible, even in a seemingly inclusive society. Or, if you will, on the way of billing: it is not for nothing that almost every couple standing under the canopy reminds the parents and grandparents who did not get to see how their life mission was successful: the foundations were laid for the continuation of human existence.

If anyone concludes from all of the above that I am against a relationship, then he is bitterly mistaken: I too owe love in my life. It’s just that unlike all “wedding” participants, I try not to exchange a reason for spinning: not to go with a “looking for a relationship” sticker on my chest, hoping that maybe someone looking for a relationship will run into me – and with a little luck more love will come out, but vice versa: I was looking for someone to love, In the hope that love will also give birth to a relationship.

With all due respect to institutions – from matchmakers to reality shows that try to connect a couple of people based on a checklist, I deny their starting point: all the beauty in true love is that it is not a mathematical calculation. Sometimes we fall in love at first sight, sometimes it takes us years to notice the one that has been there for a long time – and there must always be something elusive, unpredictable and unreasonable in it. Something, namely SOMETHING, as George Harrison once wrote, in what is probably the most beautiful love song of all time. 

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