Week of the Spring fever – GGD South Limburg

by time news

Schools teach about love, resilience and sexuality.

The Week of the Spring tickles is about to start. A national project week for (special) primary education. This year the theme of the Spring Fever Week is ‘What do I like?’. This is about positive sexual education. Topics covered are: learning about your body, talking about what you like, gender equality, autonomy and a positive self-image.
Professionals can find didactic tips about positive sexual education, teaching material and additional information about the theme on the theme page of the Week of Spring Fever.

Webinar ‘Positive sexual education’

On Tuesday afternoon March 21 from 15:30-17:00 Rik van Lunsen (doctor, sexologist NVVS) will give a webinar about positive sexual education in primary education. He will reflect on the importance of this and give various tips on how you can provide positive sexual education as a professional. Interested in the webinar? Fill in the registration form here.

Incentive Scheme ‘Healthy Relationships and Sexuality’

From March 6 to April 17, 2023, schools can register again for the ‘Healthy Relationships and Sexuality’ incentive scheme. With a budget of up to €5,000 per school location, schools can work on sexuality and relationship education in accordance with the Healthy School approach. Schools are supported in this by Healthy School Advisers. Schools that register for the incentive scheme will be notified in May about the award. Read more about the incentive scheme here or contact the Healthy School Advisers.

Get started with sex education

Curious how we can support you as a professional in sexuality education at school? Then watch this video and contact the Healthy School Advisors of GGD Zuid Limburg.

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