Weekly Horoscope: Cancerians – Try not to take everything personally

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Aries (Photo: No Credit)

This is a good time to show courage despite your fears. These are days of change that affect doing and initiatives, you will reinvent yourself and express yourself as you really are. This is a good time for studies and trips. On Friday-Saturday there will be changes and you will have to take economic considerations into account. From Sunday to Tuesday, you will have opportunities to meet new people in your immediate area and at the same time there will be a load of events and information that will flood you; Tuesday noon through Thursday there will be family days under the influence of lunar newborns in cancer.

Taurus (Photo: No Credit)Taurus (Photo: No Credit)

The week begins with high sensitivity and the need for a fundamental change. The old falls apart and the new crystallizes. Relationships may bring economic opportunities and collaborations. On Friday-Saturday the moon in your luck will lead to a high sensitivity to any change, even the smallest, and a feeling that you are facing a big change. Discover openness. From Sunday to Tuesday, there will be events that may affect you financially as well; From Tuesday noon to Thursday you will feel high sensitivity in the immediate environment, try not to take everything personally.

Gemini (Photo: No Credit)Gemini (Photo: No Credit)

Venus and Mercury in your fortune strengthen communication with the environment. There may be new acquaintances and connections. You can lead due to your popularity. Friday-Saturday will be sensitive days. You should find time for rest and quiet, despite your tendency to go outside. The moon in your luck on Sunday through Tuesday will bring with it curiosity. Try not to waste energy; From Tuesday noon to Thursday, you will be involved in financial organization and you will have the opportunity to stabilize with the right steps that you will take in the coming month under the influence of the lunar new moon in cancer.

Cancer (Photo: No Credit)Cancer (Photo: No Credit)

The sun in cancer brings with it an energetic strengthening. The birth of the moon in your luck opens a sensitive and family month, try not to take everything personally because not everything is related to you. If you do, you will avoid injuries. In your career you are a leader and an entrepreneur and you will be able to succeed and gain recognition for your practice. From Sunday to Tuesday you will feel an overflow of information and emotions. Filter the irrelevant information, do not have to internalize everything, not everything is true and there is confusion and lack of focus.

Leo (Photo: No Credit)Leo (Photo: No Credit)

You are enterprising and active. This is a good time for travel and activities overseas and / or for expansive studies. Friday-Saturday will be sensitive days in your career, your sense of self-worth is being tested. Sunday-Tuesday will be good days socially. This is a good time to spread knowledge to groups. Lunar New Year in Cancer opens a sensitive month, both personally and in the family.

Virgo (Photo: No Credit)Virgo (Photo: No Credit)

Your expression is strengthened in your career, this is a good time to express yourself. Friday-Saturday will be good for overseas travel and / or studies; Tuesday noon to Thursday will be socially sensitive. Native moon in cancer opens a month of social sensitivity, try to take things in proportion.

Libra (Photo: No Credit)Libra (Photo: No Credit)

You have opportunities for travel overseas and studies. Interesting people come into your life. In a relationship you will need to express yourself within the relationship. Here are opportunities for a proper and fun relationship. Friday-Saturday are good for emotional intimacy, if you just let go of everything that stops you from expressing your feelings.
From Sunday to Tuesday, you will have opportunities for travel, entertainment or expansive studies. Lunar New Year in Cancer opens a sensitive month in your career, but you can express yourself. It is important not to take anything personally.

Scorpio (Photo: No Credit)Scorpio (Photo: No Credit)

The week opened with hypersensitivity in matters of relationships. You are aware of the change that is required but suffer from a lack of self-esteem. At work you stand out, initiate and lead processes. This is a good time to ask and get what you want. Friday-Saturday will be sensitive in a relationship; Sunday through Tuesday will be good for intimate emotional connections, you will gain insights and enlightenment regarding your emotional state. Native Moon in Cancer will open a month of deepening your beliefs and worldview.

Sagittarius (Photo: No Credit)Sagittarius (Photo: No Credit)

The media and friendships in your relationships are getting stronger, opportunities are opening up to the vacancies. You are open and romantically attractive. You fulfill yourself, your charisma and self-confidence are high. Friday-Saturday there will be sensitivity, nervousness and restlessness at work. Sunday through Tuesday there will be good communication in relationships, but also mental overload. Lunar New Year in Cancer opens a sensitive month – emotional needs must be addressed, following which you will go through an important deep process.

Capricorn (Photo: without credit)Capricorn (Photo: without credit)

The atmosphere at home and among the family improves and you will feel optimistic. At work you are communicative and sociable. Important connections for the rest of the way can be formed these days at work. Friday-Saturday will be sensitive in the romantic realm and there may be an unexpected surprise. Sunday through Tuesday there will be lots of stimuli, events and information transfer, especially at work. Filter out the unnecessary and beware of gossip. A new moon in cancer will open a sensitive month in a relationship, try not to get excited about every little thing that happens to the other party.

Aquarius (Photo: No Credit)Aquarius (Photo: No Credit)

The romantic relationship is strengthened and you have opportunities for relationships where the communication is good. There will be a high sensitivity in the house and you will feel the need for an inevitable change, which will increase on Friday-Saturday. Congenital lunar cancer will cause sensitivity at work, as well as physical sensitivity in the abdominal area.

Pisces (Photo: no credit)Pisces (Photo: no credit)

Communication in relationships at home and among the family improves. Family ties are balanced and gatherings and formative family events take place. Economically, benefits and opportunities are expected to expand in abundance thanks to welcome initiatives. Friday-Saturday will be sensitive in the immediate area. The lunar new moon will strengthen the romantic bonds and there may be a romantic emotional connection, or a connection related to children – birth or pregnancy.

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