Weekly horoscope: forecast for all zodiac signs 24.7.22-30.7.22 – Ono News

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Leo – and its compatibility with the other astrological signs

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Which fortune do you get along with best and who should you watch out for?

In these days when Leo celebrates his birthday, it is recommended that you read and know how and how you are suitable/or not……for the other zodiac signs.

Those of you who were born under the other fire signs: Aries and Sagittarius, are invited to read the scriptures as well, and to tap into what is said, in relation to yourselves.

Leo with Leo – An interesting and attractive pairing. You will not have a moment of silence. You will constantly be busy organizing various events, especially those that highlight your personality. The danger in this relationship is that since both of you will be busy with your careers, you will not have time for each other, and frustration will not be late in coming!

Leo with Virgo – Basically, this is an excellent pairing for Leo. And especially if he is the man in the system and this is because the virgin will make sure to follow him everywhere, organize, order and sort all the “mess” that the lion makes. Therefore, every Leo needs to have a Virgo next to him. The only question is if the virgin will be satisfied with the position she received and that can be found out within 7 years.

Leo with Libra – These two zodiac signs can live together very harmoniously, because they both feed each other and can complement each other’s needs. Libra will prepare the lion all the stage and space he needs, and he will indeed enjoy it every moment. Both zodiac signs came out satisfied!!

Leo with Scorpio – This is a pairing that has a lot of power and sexual attraction. Each will be attracted to the power of the other because they both know how to recognize and appreciate power, the problem is that later in life a power struggle may arise, because the two zodiac signs are fighting for the same slot.

Recommended for friendships and not for relationships!

Leo with Sagittarius – This is a system that may very well succeed because both know how to appreciate each other’s place. The Sagittarius will bask in the sun of the Lion without losing its independence and by the Lion giving the Sagittarius a living space, he has bought it forever. Recommended and can last.

Leo with Capricorn – This is a relationship you won’t find much because it doesn’t have many chances to survive even if the relationship can start with great love. Over time, Capricorn will suppress the vitality of the Lion by trying to institutionalize it and put it into an official framework, a fact that the Lion will oppose with all its might. Recommended for those who like to suffer and complain.

Leo with Aquarius – These two zodiac signs are called the complementary zodiac signs in astrology and therefore have the ability to live together and feed each other. Both together will connect to one force where they will and will be able to realize their dreams and ambitions, to implement them in reality. Definitely recommended, a good and fertile relationship.

Leo with Pisces – You will hardly find a relationship between these two zodiac signs because the emotional needs of the two zodiac signs are so different from one another, so that there is almost no chance that they will connect with each other beforehand. The fish will very quickly feel victimized by the lion’s control. Good for those who love and enjoy being a victim.

Leo with Aries – Combining these two zodiac signs can be very successful and the feeling of everyone who walks around them is one of bursting energy. This pairing can be very successful especially if you are trying to build some new business. Those of you who are looking for a relationship do not seem to be able to sustain it under these conditions.

Leo with Taurus – This is a pairing in which Leo will feel suffocated by Taurus. The lion will want to get up, travel and move around to realize himself and for everyone to see him, while the bull will want to chain him to the house and the safe corner, so that soon sparks will fly. Great for those who like to fight.

Leo with Gemini – This is an excellent pairing for both parties. None of you will come with demands and requests that cannot be realized by the other party, so that you can be satisfied with what you get without complaining even if no in-depth relations were created between you. You fit and support each other, so a good relationship can grow and exist here.

Leo with Cancer – Despite the difficulties of being in a relationship between these two zodiac signs, the idea is that you both actually quite need each other in order to move forward. The shy and hidden Cancer needs the Leo’s extroversion, while the Leo needs the Cancer’s emotion and the ability to be in a long-term relationship. It is recommended that you try and grasp the relationship, even if it is difficult and requires investment.

Here is the weekly forecast by Tsila Shir-El, an astrologer and marriage and family counselor.

A tip for those born this week under the sign of Leo

In the coming week, you are advised to stay away from everything related to expressing your feelings in public in places where you are not sure that your views will be accepted overwhelmingly and they will express opposition.

lamb March 21 to April 19

In the coming period you will be deeply immersed in your family relationships and it seems that it will be very easy for you to get angry with close people who you are sure do not see the facts as you try to present them. You have a natural tendency in the coming period to be upset about everything and this fact may rob you of strength. You are advised to save your energy and not let others manage you according to their needs.

bull April 20 to May 20

From a financial point of view, you are now in a much better time for you, because the moon this week illuminates your financial house and will allow you to see things as they are, so you will also be able to earn more money in the coming year and at the same time also receive money that you deserve and that you have been waiting for for a long time. In the coming week, allow yourself to indulge a little more, in the lap of close people you love.

twins May 21 to June 21

The planet Venus is in your financial house, therefore, you are expected to have days of contentment and joy and many feelings of personal well-being, because your ability to earn money also contributes to your current and future relationships that are affected by money. You will need to pamper yourself and those close to you with treats in order to make up for the days when you felt suffocated and did not allow yourself to enjoy yourself.

cancer June 22 to July 22

The planet Venus is in your sign and makes you feel more loved and it is obvious that close people try to make you happy mainly due to the fact that you are very giving people and you often do not share your plans and actions with people. This is your time to be more honest with yourself and learn to take from others as well and enjoy a feeling of love and support from people who love and want your good.

lion July 23 to August 22

The planet Mercury is in your sign this month and although you feel that you are in a good place in your verbal ability – you are advised to be careful with everything you say because it is possible that in the near future people close to you will use what they heard from you against you. It is recommended that you act covertly and not share your plans with new acquaintances, even if you have received warm recommendations for him, until you are satisfied with their reliability.

virgin August 23 to September 22

You can breathe easy in the social sphere, and this is because the planet Venus, which affects relationships and even finances, is in the place associated with the ability to upgrade yourself socially. This fact is very important to you because you are very practical and precise people in your plans and you have no desire or need to waste time in places where you are not sure that you will not benefit from it.

Libra September 23 to October 22

Your career abilities will be high this week and in fact also for the whole coming month due to the visit of the planet Venus in your career house. This move shows that you are greatly influenced in your career for the better through relationships and through the fact that people applaud you and your work and want to promote you. You know your own worth and are more ready for changes in your life – success will come through connections with great people and organizations.

Scorpion October 23 to November 21

In the coming week, the planet Mercury, which brings with it communication, will visit your career house. This fact will mean that you will have various conversations at work with your superiors in which you try to present your position, but it is not certain that you will always feel that your opinion is welcomed. In addition, the planet Mars which brings impulsive action is also in an unfavorable angle for you and it is very important that you do not react quickly, but think carefully before you react.

Rainbow November 22 to December 21

Your life is now in the midst of changes and this is because of your need to change your lifestyle in all areas. It seems that you give too much and don’t always get the appropriate return and appreciation and in most cases you are taken for granted. This fact makes you jump many times and you are tired of pleasing others instead of acting and promoting the issues that are important to you. It is very important that you go on a vacation to recharge your batteries.

kid December 22 to January 19

You are in a good time to strengthen your relationships on the professional and personal side due to the fact that the star of the relationship and the ability to upgrade yourself is in the house of your partnerships of any kind and kind. Good news will come on a marital background and it seems that you can enjoy the fruits of your investment in this matter. Even those of you who are not in a relationship can enjoy a good and progressive period in the personal field.

Aquarius January 20 to February 18

The planet Mercury and also the sun in the sky are now in your house of partnerships and this means partnerships of any kind and kind. And so it’s time to check yourself in your personal and professional relationships, are you valued enough or do you have to make more of an effort and prove yourself? Work issues will be very dominant in this period of your life, so it is recommended that you invest the most of your energy there.

fish February 19 to March 20

The planet Jupiter, which brings with it new opportunities and beginnings, is in your financial house, so this will be the ideal time for you to examine the whole subject of financial investments, since you have an inner need to open frameworks that are already less rewarding and rebuild them. It seems that you will receive the appropriate assistance from the immediate environment and they will meet you in your plans. All your work will be welcomed later and you will feel great satisfaction.

* It is recommended to read together with Mazal Haofek.

* The forecast is general for people born under all zodiac signs. For a personal forecast it is recommended to make an astrological map.

The weekly forecast by Tsila Shir-El, an astrologer and marriage and family counselor. portable 0522248626 Email [email protected]

Tsila Shir al.  Private photo
Tsila Shir al. Private photo

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