Weekly horoscope from January 16: This is how your week will be | life & knowledge

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Monday means the start of the week.

A look at the starry sky reveals a lot and can make your whole week easier. what does that hold Weekly horoscope ready for you: A fateful encounter, a lot of money or just stress at work?

Read your horoscope here Star sign for the week of January 16th to January 22nd!

Zodiac sign Aries (21.3. to 20.4.)

the Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is a warlike pioneer. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Venus and Mars make you sophisticated and seductive as a lover. Are you in a relationship? Now you need more tender speeches and show your partner how exciting sex can be. Tip for singles: online flirts have a perfect match ready for them.

Work & Finance

Everything about technology and innovation is going well. You use this phase for updates at your workplace and to get things done. When it comes to spending money, however, you tend to be overly generous. Feel free to negotiate a little harder.

Fitness & Feeling

Mars pushes you and gives you a lot of strength for everyday life, sports and all projects that you tackle. Tip: Everything you do for your youthful image will now work. Venus acts like a freshness kick on you.

Zodiac sign Taurus (21.4. to 20.5.)

the Trails is a child of Venus and stands for luxury for all the senses. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

As a single you seek erotic adventures but tend to expect too much when it comes to flirting. Her stars are stimulating, but also a bit tense. A varied program is popular with couples. You are enthusiastic, but your partner sometimes feels overwhelmed by it.

Work & Finance

Merkur improves communication and creates a good atmosphere at work. You research cleverly, receive important information and plan strategically. Things are also going great when it comes to ideas, you deliver the best suggestions on time. Bargains arise when buying fashion and luxury.

Fitness & Feeling

You have strong nerves at the moment. They are tough and don’t let themselves be impressed by stress and time pressure. You have great responsiveness. Your energy barometer is rising and you can trust yourself to do a lot. And the best thing is: You’re also great when you’re enjoying yourself!

Zodiac Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

★ The twin is the inexhaustible source of ideas of the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Venus and Mars give you a lot of sex appeal. Singles are attractive and can make interesting contacts. That really tingles. Couples also feel these invigorating vibes and ensure that there is a lot of momentum in everyday life and in the nights together.

Work & Finance

Venus encourages you to enjoy your work. You are motivated and develop creative ideas. You are quick-witted and also address the tricky topics at conferences – in order to get exactly what you want in the end. When it comes to finances, it’s easy to spend too much money on pleasure and luxury.

Fitness & Feeling

Venus acts like a beauty booster this week. They enjoy the care and many a session with the beautician. They enjoy doing something good for themselves. This also applies to eating and drinking, you like to cook and feast. To compensate, there’s light sport.

Zodiac Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

★ The Krebs is the master of emotions in the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

The big impulses for flirting and dating are missing. As a single, you can take it easy. In a relationship things are calm and manageable. After all, Neptune ensures that there is no lack of imagination and that everyday relationships are refreshed with loving ideas.

Work & Finance

They have a passion for imagination and creativity. In your job you show that you are good at implementing topics such as design and zeitgeist. Social media and internet forums provide the basis for top contacts, people like you and your ideas. You like to spend your money on beauty and enjoyment of life. But you keep an eye on the costs.

Fitness & Feeling

There is no incentive for demanding training. But Neptune is doing great and so you focus on rest, relaxation and creative hobbies in your free time. A healthy and mindful lifestyle helps you to minimize stress and hectic.

Zodiac sign Leo (23.7. to 23.8.)

★ The Lion is the sun child and king of all zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Erotic Mars offers top conditions for flirting, getting to know each other and dating. Singles are open to new contacts and willing to go the whole hog faster. Couples present themselves as sexy, charming and seductive.

Work & Finance

At the moment, more tact is needed in the job and with finances. Colleagues or bosses often have a different opinion and you need to coordinate better. This can take time and cause stress. Great is: You are flexible and can take on responsibility well.

Fitness & Feeling

Mars brings a lot of momentum into your life. Your sporting ambitions are high and you step on the gas in everyday life. But not only in terms of action it fits: They also make sure that you build enough moments of relaxation into your everyday life.

Zodiac sign Virgo (24.8. to 23.9.)

★ Die Virgo is known for her changeable perfectionism. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

You are currently lacking a bit of drive, as a single you take it easy when looking for a partner. They even tend to rehash an old thing. Couples rely on good conversations, loyalty and consistency. This is good for you and your relationship.

Work & Finance

At the moment you are working very concentrated. You are relaxed about your job routine and are punctual and reliable. It’s worth it for you: Opportunities for advancement are there, you consolidate your position. When it comes to money, things are so-so. They check the prices and end up spending a bit too much on unnecessary things.

Fitness & Feeling

A holiday would be right now. They are not really fit and get tired more quickly. You like to sleep now and need time to relax and get away from it all.

Zodiac sign Libra (September 24th to October 23rd)

★ Die Scale is the zodiac sign of beauty. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Well, there it tingles properly. Venus and Mars bring momentum into your love life and so you can find all kinds of sympathetic flirt partners. It doesn’t get boring with couples either: They focus on joint action, carefree fun in bed and are also mentally close.

Work & Finance

Active commitment on the job runs almost automatically. Now it’s about being quick and productive. You tackle your tasks with enthusiasm and offer your business partners and colleagues great skills and reliability. But financial matters require more care.

Fitness & Feeling

Venus makes you happy. Everything beautiful attracts you magnetically and you now treat yourself to a drink or two. You can take a little more and yet you know exactly when it’s over. The week is also ideal for everything to do with beauty and wellness.

Zodiac sign Scorpio (October 24th to November 22nd)

★ The Scorpio is the seductively enigmatic sign of the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

► Love & Friends

Conflicting stars make love complicated. When you’re single, you quickly meet new people. But after one or two dates you are as smart as before. Couples often have different opinions and have to strive for more romance and togetherness in everyday life.

Work & Finance

Sun and Mercury bring opportunities for advancement. But a lot of effort is also expected from you. Good organization and time management are necessary – and fortunately not a problem for you. Merkur also enables better earnings or good contract conditions.

Fitness & Feeling

They are aggressive and have a lot of energy. The power vibes of the sun tickle your desire to increase your performance. Action and physical exercise are a matter of course for you. Sporting skills can be developed further.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius (23.11. to 21.12.)

★ The Protect is the lucky one among the zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Singles tackle the topic of dating strategically and emotionally at the same time. And that brings success! Couples see their relationship from a very positive side and feel loyal to their partner. Also great: This week the moon and Venus deliver sexy vibes for passion and eroticism.

Work & Finance

Creative work is particularly easy for you at the moment. Your good eye for colour, shape and styling will bring you recognition and success. You don’t work quite as well under time pressure, more freedom is needed. You like to plan generously financially, but still too often leave savings potential untapped.

Fitness & Feeling

Her energy level is rather mediocre. As a typical Sagittarius, you are sporty in and of themselves, but are currently more geared towards having fun. No thing, Jupiter protects you and strengthens your immune system. Venus pimps your charisma: care and beauty treatments bring great results.

Zodiac sign Capricorn (22.12. to 20.1.)

★ The Capricorn is the careerist among the zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Do you want adventure? Singles are adventurous, like to chat with original characters and need something special on dates. Couples find the ideal mix of closeness and distance. They get along wonderfully and harmonize in bed and in everyday life.

Work & Finance

Sun and Mercury make you a perfectionist, you solve even tricky problems quickly and sustainably. In doing so, you demonstrate a good eye for what is feasible. You can find bargains when you shop.

Fitness & Feeling

They are in good spirits and have momentum. The sun in Capricorn offers the ideal mix when it comes to fitness and wellbeing. You are resilient, but you also know exactly what is good for you and use your strength intelligently.

Zodiac sign Aquarius (21.1. to 19.2.)

★ The Aquarius is the eccentric in the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Singles go to great lengths when it comes to flirting because they want to experience something. Love messenger Venus and erotic Mars make it crackle and tingle. The stimulating star power is also noticeable in couples. The attraction is great, as is the mutual understanding. You can let yourself go during sex.

Work & Finance

Mars and Jupiter awaken your ambition, you have your goals clearly in mind. In your job you need a team that stands behind you. Anyone who is at eye level with you and full of zest for action can fully rely on you. You will get recognition. Financial advantages arise and you take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself.

Fitness & Feeling

Venus and Mars trigger your inner balance. They optimally adjust care, nutrition and sport to your type. You can trust yourself more, are powerful and like to be active. But relaxation is never neglected, the mix is ​​perfect.

Zodiac sign Pisces (20.2. to 20.3.)

★ Die fish are the dreamy seducers among the zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Singles need a lot of freedom. They like to get to know new people and are also open to adventure, but that’s all they can do. Are you in a relationship? Be careful, you are prone to arguments and principle riding. Everyday stuff is on the agenda. Your generous nature helps you to defuse the conflicts.

Work & Finance

The Sun and Mercury ensure that your sympathy values ​​increase. This is good for teamwork and cohesion. Also great: They have a knack for finding worthwhile deals and find good quality at reasonable prices when shopping.

Fitness & Feeling

Planet of energy Mars is going challenging this week: you need more rest and times of mindfulness. Meditation, sleep and light exercise help you to regenerate physically and mentally. However, there is not as much energy available for intensive fitness training.

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