Weekly Horoscope: General Forecast for All Born Zodiacs – Ono News

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The weekly forecast by Tzila Shir-El is an astrologer and marriage and family counselor in front of you

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A challenging and instructive period is before us because of the presence of a Saturn star who is considered the great and challenging teacher before retreat.

In the coming week, Saturn, also known as Saturn, will arrive at the top, where he will be stopped and begin his slow journey back.

Although the star is already in the degree of retreat, only at the end of October will the star finally stop on the degree of retreat and begin its normal journey and this time towards the end of Aquarius.

Already in the last months and especially about two months before the star enters the retreat, a turbulent and busy period begins for many people and especially right now for the following zodiac signs: Aquarius, Lion, Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer and Virgo and especially for those born in the third trimester.

Anyone who has not experienced the energy of the planet directly, will become acquainted with it through events that happen and happen to people in the vicinity of you.

In fact, Saturn is the main influencer in any process of change that takes place in a person’s life.

Saturn Star.  Canva photographySaturn Star.  Canva photography
Saturn Star. Canva photography

In the days before the retreat the star will still continue to occur events that may and still continue to bother you but it is likely that after the retreat period no new events will occur – and whatever happens, will revolve around the issues that have occurred to date, but in different variations.

At this point, it is advisable for everyone to ask themselves what they are supposed to learn from the occurrences and it is advisable that everyone check what their weak point is so that they can correct it, thus improving their lives and elevating them to a higher place.

The purpose of the star is to illuminate the dark part of the inner and complex personality of each one. The enlightenment process is long and painful and is often done for a particularly long time due to the person’s natural tendency to return to the familiar and known past, which also includes negative behavior patterns, even if they are painful and not promoting.

It is natural that the passage of the star will sharpen and exacerbate situations and make one realize that it is necessary to see things from a distant perspective in order to get the right proportion of things. Just a form of thought and understanding of “What does the star come to teach me?” And not a sacrificial thought like “why is this happening to me or why do I deserve to suffer” ?, can bring the person closer to the process of awareness and the changes required from the planet’s passage, thus shortening painful moves.

Finally, it is very important and worth knowing that despite the difficult and slightly frightening effect of this star, in the end it is actually the best and most powerful star that only by its effect we make the necessary changes in our lives and is actually the messenger of the universe. Its main purpose is to strengthen the person towards his walk for the changes of life and the phrase “what does not kill me hardens me”…. Is the motto that should be clung to while passing this planet.

lamb March 21 to April 19

You have an intense inner need to finish parts of your current lifestyle and start a new life that will be good for you and promote the places you aspire to reach. You may get echoes of criticism of dissatisfaction from you, but you are not advised to take this too seriously. Continue on the line where you operate and to which you strive to reach and it is, renouncing everything that binds you to the past, commitment and responsibility.

bull April 20 to May 20

All the issues of economic partnerships will be put to the test in the near future in your life because of significant changes. Your planet Venus is still in your finances so you are experiencing a need for significant economic changes. It’s your time to build a new strategic economic line that will guide you to the future. Also, learn to work closely with the planet Uranus that makes you want to break a frame and start a new lifestyle.

twins May 21 to June 21

The lucky ones experience frustration and impatience due to the fact that significant stars are in your subconscious and interfere with you acting spontaneously, but out of stress. Since you want to develop, you are groping your way when it comes to finding a suitable and suitable job. As long as the planet Neptune that brings uncertainty is with you in your career, the period of uncertainty will continue.

cancer June 22 to July 22

The planet Uranus that brings with it changes and is sometimes particularly surprising is in your girlfriend’s house so you have days that you feel like getting up and breaking all the patterns that have held you to this day in social relationships. Since during this period the Venus star in charge of personal relationships is also in this place, you should hold yourself and not allow your inner self to break relationships and still enjoy the existing.

lion July 23 to August 22

All the happenings and changes you have had to go through with your book brings you to the understanding that although you can live a whole life in a certain social way, your basic perception of how you want to manage your life may be completely different from reality in relation to relationships and partnerships in your life. It is important that you do not act impulsively but in a calculated way.

virgin August 23 to September 22

You have career difficulties and you do not seem to understand why even though you come with the full desire and energy to help, there are people who do not necessarily understand and accept your opinion and you feel hurt when your opinion is not accepted. It is advisable for you at this stage to focus and do what is good for you personally and less on your need to please others. The issues of work and funds you have built on them, will be the basis for this week’s dissatisfaction.

Libra September 23 to October 22

The planet Mercury which also symbolizes travel is in a place associated with your need to fly to a place far from your usual seat and sometimes this fact causes you to feel an inner need to fly and spend time even if it is not a primary or basic need for work progress. However, since your need is so great this time, it seems that you are still going to enjoy a trip in the near future.

Scorpion October 23 to November 21

The planet Uranus that brings with it sudden and substantial changes in life, is still in your house of intimacy and partnerships so you should expect relationships that can end quickly and for no logical reason but leave you with scars. The reason is that you are a stable and strong luck who knows how to control fate and does not run away from difficult situations and therefore it is difficult for you to accept that not everyone has your abilities a fact that makes you disappointed again and again.

Rainbow November 22 to December 21

You are going through a very intense week as you seem to be required to give your 100 percent in several places. It is recommended that you maintain balance and proportion and not give beyond your abilities. It’s time to stand up for yourself and not let them try to influence you to change your mind so that their opinion is more easily accepted. This is an exam time for you and how you can conduct yourself objectively.

kid December 22 to January 19

You are going through significant changes both personally and professionally due to the fact that you have recently experienced very unpleasant difficulties and disappointments from people and co-workers that you were sure would be by your side, but in real time have disappointed you and turned to another path. You may be comfortable with this week’s quarrels due to the fact that you will feel that your communication is not clear enough to others and you have to explain yourself over and over again.

Aquarius January 20 to February 18

Family issues still get the most attention because of the move of the planet Uranus which brings very significant changes in this field. You need peace, but various events cause you to repeatedly have to deal with new news that causes instability to continue to be a very significant part of your family life. In the coming week it is important that you try to mobilize as much patience as possible to solve problems.

Fish February 19 to March 20

The star March has come to visit your finance house for the coming month and this period is great as it will give you the ability to do and solve issues and interests that were important to you. At home you may feel that you are behaving the way you want, but you will continue on your own and not listen to anyone. There may be quarrels over the fact that you will be determined to meet the goals you have set for yourself, but if you do not give up then you can enjoy the results.

* It is recommended to read together with the sign of the horizon.

* The forecast is general for natives of all zodiac signs. For a personal forecast it is recommended to make an astrological chart.

The weekly forecast by astronaut Tzila Shir-El and a couple and family counselor. Mobile 0522248626 Email [email protected]

Tzila Shir El.  Private photographyTzila Shir El.  Private photography
Tzila Shir El. Private photography

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