Weekly Horoscope: Libras – Relationships are in bloom

by time news

Aries (photo: no credit)

Aries (photo: no credit)

Aries 21.3-20.4

Venus and Jupiter, which are in conjunction in your luck, open opportunities in relationships or possibilities for new acquaintances. You feel enthusiasm and joy, and your attractiveness increases. Friday through Sunday are good for realizing economic opportunities and making long-term financial investments; Many activities are expected on Sunday afternoon until Tuesday, be focused on doing; Wednesday-Thursday are expected to be sensitive at home and among the family.

Taurus (photo: no credit)

Taurus (photo: no credit)

Taurus 21.4-20.5

You have a tendency to impatience and irritability, especially at work. Many of your creative ideas are ahead of their time, and you must be patient. You are socially dominant and have the ability to influence, but you feel lonely and need to take care of yourself.
The moon in your sign from Friday to Sunday will strengthen you and make you socially sensitive. Sunday noon to Tuesday you will be required to examine economic initiatives, because there is a tendency to waste these days; On Wednesdays and Thursdays the sensitivity is high in the immediate environment.

Gemini (photo: no credit)

Gemini (photo: no credit)

Gemini 21.5-20.6

Mars in your luck gives energy to initiatives and action, but the angle to Neptune causes a lack of focus. This is a good time to focus physical energy through work on the body – martial arts, yoga, etc. Friday to Sunday are good for rest.
Under the influence of the moon in your sign, from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday, you will go to events and meetings with people. On Wednesday-Thursday you will be able to examine your financial affairs and make well-considered decisions.

Cancer sign (photo: no credit)

Cancer sign (photo: no credit)

Cancer 21.6-22.7

Career connections can open doors and exciting opportunities for you. There may be romantic relationships at work that will excite you and open up new ways for you. You open up to knowledge that strengthens you. From Friday to Sunday you will feel social sensitivity and there may be fateful social connections.
From Sunday afternoon to Tuesday you will feel a mental load, you should filter information and not be influenced by everything that happens around you. The moon in your sign on Wednesday and Thursday causes hypersensitivity.

Leo (photo: no credit)

Leo (photo: no credit)

Leo 23.7-22.8

Communication in relationships is characterized by impatience. Try to be as patient as possible. There may be exciting acquaintances overseas, through trips or through studies. Friday to Sunday are expected to be sensitive in career; Sunday at noon to Tuesday are expected to be good socially, but it is advisable to set boundaries for others and pay attention to where you invest energy. On Wednesday-Thursday the sensitivity will be higher than usual, the intuitions will be strong.

Virgo (photo: no credit)

Virgo (photo: no credit)

Virgo 23.8-22.9

Relationships keep you busy, you go through a significant soul-searching and new and exciting opportunities in relationships open up to you. Try to let go of the past and what keeps you in suffering and be open to new things. From Friday to Sunday, the need for security and stability causes sensitivity and the need for change; On Wednesdays and Thursdays, social sensitivity will be high.

Libra (photo: no credit)

Libra (photo: no credit)

Libra 23.9-23.10

The relationships in bloom: new and exciting opportunities, enjoyable experiences and new beginnings. Be open to it. Your ability to express yourself is high, you express yourself in your own special way. From Friday to Sunday you should enjoy good food, a massage and everything that pleases you and makes you feel good. Intimate relationships may strengthen these days; Sunday at noon to Tuesday will be good for overseas trips or for intriguing and interesting studies.

Scorpio (photo: no credit)

Scorpio (photo: no credit)

Scorpio 24.10-21.11

Romantic relationships strengthen and intimacy increases. New relationships may form in the work environment or alternatively relationships may be renewed, there may also be romantic relationships at work. Friday to Sunday are expected to be good for strengthening intimacy in relationships. From Sunday noon to Tuesday, the information overload will affect you emotionally and create restlessness. Filter the information, because not everything is relevant; Wednesday-Thursday are expected to be sensitive.

Sagittarius (photo: no credit)

Sagittarius (photo: no credit)

Sagittarius 22.11-21.12

This week will be marked by the beginnings of exciting romantic relationships and a tendency to get carried away by thrills and action. You should open yourself up to new romantic experiences. Communication is improving but patience is required. From Friday to Sunday you will feel that your investment and persistence at work will pay off. On Sunday afternoon until Tuesday, action, events and stimuli in relationships are expected; On Wednesday-Thursday you will feel a high inner sensitivity, this is a good time to process emotional processes.

Capricorn (photo: no credit)

Capricorn (photo: no credit)

Capricorn 22.12-20.1

Family relationships give you optimism, enthusiasm and joy. You tend to take responsibility for the immediate environment, try to release responsibility and blame. You are active and proactive at work, avoid scattering and wasting energy and be focused. On Sunday at noon until Tuesday there will be a lot of information and stimuli around you, including gossip, try to filter, because not everything is relevant; Wednesday-Thursday are expected to be sensitive in relationships.

Aquarius (photo: no credit)

Aquarius (photo: no credit)

Aquarius 21.1-18.2

This week there will be a tendency to impatience and irritability, and there may be unexpected outbursts. Relationships with the immediate environment excite and give optimism, the possibility of new beginnings in relationships is expected. Sunday afternoon to Tuesday you will be dominant and influential in your actions; Wednesday-Thursday are expected to be sensitive in work relationships.

Pisces (photo: no credit)

Pisces (photo: no credit)

Fish 19.2-20.3

The sun in your sign strengthens your presence. These are days of soul-searching. Economic opportunities come through new and surprising connections. You have a tendency to thoughts that make you nervous and restless, but your intuitions are strong. From Friday to Sunday, enjoyable experiences with the immediate environment are expected; Sunday afternoon until Tuesday there will be many events and stimuli related to home and family; Wednesday-Thursday are expected to be sensitive in the romantic field, and will feel the need for emotional and creative expression.

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