Weekly horoscope: Sagittarius – this is a good time to start a romantic relationship

by time news

Aries (photo: no credit)

Aries 21.3-20.4

You are active, but it is advisable not to waste unnecessary energy. There will be those who will blackmail you, and this will require you to set boundaries. You are optimistic and opportunities open up to you for trips overseas or for studies and experiences. The moon in your sign from Friday to Sunday strengthens you energetically and you feel enthusiasm.

Sunday noon to Tuesday are expected to be financially challenging. The full moon in Gemini on Wednesday may cause an overflow of information and events. It is advisable not to scatter and not be influenced by the environment.

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Taurus (photo: no credit)Taurus (photo: no credit)

Taurus 21.4-20.5

Experiences in intimate relationships cause enthusiasm and high expectations, but patience will be required, you cannot see everything at the moment. Be sure to maintain boundaries with the other party. Economic initiatives will require you to focus. On Friday and Sunday you will feel strengthened and enthusiastic, the energies are slowly returning to you.

The moon in your sign from Sunday noon to Tuesday strengthens you but also increases your sensitivity and nervousness, you will feel the need to be alone. A full moon in Gemini on Wednesday-Thursday may bring with it economic expansion, don’t be carried away by taking too big risks.

Gemini (photo: no credit)Gemini (photo: no credit)

Gemini 21.5-20.6

Exciting opportunities will open up for the free ones among you, but you must be patient and open. Significant progress may occur in the relationship, you are proactive and active, just be focused. From Friday to Sunday, people will follow you and you will feel enthusiasm and a desire to initiate things socially.

Sunday noon to Tuesday are expected to be restless. Keep the energies. The full moon in your sign on Wednesday-Thursday may cause an overflow of information and stimuli and a lack of emotional focus. Try to be with yourself and calm the noise around you.

Cancer sign (photo: no credit)Cancer sign (photo: no credit)

Cancer 21.6-22.7

You are able to initiate and express yourself at work. The atmosphere is more optimistic than usual and there are expectations of you. Do not be afraid to express your will in front of the superiors and set boundaries. Friday to Sunday are expected to be good in your career due to the strengthening of your position.

Sunday noon to Tuesday are expected to be socially sensitive. The full moon in Gemini on Wednesday-Thursday may bring emotional flooding and an overload of information and stimuli. You should maintain inner peace with the help of meditation, music, working on the body, good food or anything else that relaxes.

Leo (photo: no credit)Leo (photo: no credit)

Leo 23.7-22.8

These are days of strengthening. You can express yourself and fulfill yourself. Exciting opportunities will open up to those who are free. Creativity is at its peak, and socially you are initiators and leaders. Be careful not to waste energy, it may exhaust you.

Friday to Sunday are good for trips and trips overseas. Sunday at noon to Tuesday are expected to be challenging in your career, you are in the process of change and need patience. The full moon in Gemini on Wednesday causes social sensitivity and there may be emotional overflows and irritations.

Virgo (photo: no credit)Virgo (photo: no credit)

Virgo 23.8-22.9

There may be family events and emotional flooding, but it is advisable to keep the boundaries with family members. In your career, you are active and proactive, but in this field as well, you should keep the boundaries because you have a tendency to scatter. Not every initiative will pay off for you.

From Friday to Sunday, emotional strengthening is expected. Sunday afternoon until Tuesday you will feel nervousness and restlessness. The full moon in Gemini on Wednesday-Thursday will cause a rush of events and stimuli in the career, irritability and a tendency to impulsiveness. Patience is required of you.

Libra (photo: no credit)Libra (photo: no credit)

Libra 23.9-23.10

You are dominant, communicative and open in your immediate environment. Exciting experiences with close people are expected, but it is advisable to maintain your boundaries. This is a good time for excursions, travel and studies. Friday to Sunday you will be able to express yourself in relationships, which are accompanied by enthusiasm and optimism.

Sunday at noon to Tuesday are expected to be emotionally challenging and will be accompanied by nervousness and restlessness. The full moon in Gemini on Wednesday-Thursday will cause an overflow of information and stimuli, it is advisable to filter out what is not relevant for you.

Scorpio (photo: no credit)Scorpio (photo: no credit)

Scorpio 24.10-21.11

Opportunities come in the economic field, but you are required to be focused and precise. Beware of unnecessary expenses and waste. Tension and restlessness in relationships, be patient. From Friday to Sunday, professional or health strengthening is expected. You can express yourself in front of your superiors and lead moves.

Sunday at noon to Tuesday are expected to be tense in relationships and will be accompanied by nervousness, which stems from the need for change. A full moon in Gemini on Wednesday-Thursday will cause flooding and irritations that may burden you. It is advisable to filter out irrelevant information.

Sagittarius (photo: no credit)Sagittarius (photo: no credit)

Sagittarius 22.11-21.12

A cluster of planets in your luck strengthens you and gives you optimism and enthusiasm. There are suitable dating options for those who are free. Don’t get excited about everything, be focused and keep the energy. From Friday to Sunday your energy will be stronger and your ability to express yourself will be good. This is a good time to start a romantic relationship.

Sunday at noon to Tuesday are expected to be challenging at work, be patient with the process of change you are in. The full moon in Gemini in the marriage house on Wednesday may bring with it events related to the field.

Capricorn (photo: no credit)Capricorn (photo: no credit)

Capricorn 22.12-20.1

An overload of information and emotional experiences characterizes the week. Filter out unnecessary stimuli, which affect you emotionally and cause restlessness and irritability. You are active and proactive at work, but it is advisable to be focused so that you don’t get tired.

From Friday to Sunday, strengthening in the home and family is expected and you will draw strength from the family framework. Sunday at noon to Tuesday are expected to be surprising in the romantic area, if you are open to it. A full moon in Gemini on Wednesday-Thursday will cause an overflow of stimuli at work, try to maintain the energies.

Aquarius (photo: no credit)Aquarius (photo: no credit)

Aquarius 21.1-18.2

You are popular in society. Those who work with groups will increase their influence on others. You are proactive and active, but it is advisable not to waste energy on imprecise projects. From Friday to Sunday you will be strengthened in the immediate environment and your presence will be dominant.

Sunday at noon to Tuesday will be characterized by restlessness at home and among the family, these are challenging days that push you to change. The full moon in Gemini on Wednesday may bring with it events and sensitivity in the romantic field. You are overwhelmed and required to filter irrelevant information or stimuli.

Pisces (photo: no credit)Pisces (photo: no credit)

Fish 19.2-20.3

Professional opportunities related to advertising and distribution will arrive this week. Be focused and beware of impulsiveness and quick and imprecise decisions. Friday-Sunday are expected to be good for realizing economic initiatives and taking risks.

Sunday afternoon until Tuesday you will feel nervousness, tension and sensitivity in the immediate environment. Be patient with change. The full moon in Gemini on Wednesday-Thursday may cause emotional flooding and a rush of events at home and among the family, keep boundaries and be focused.

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